+Tips at the beginning of the nights
=The battery now discharges more slowly
+Tips at the beginning of the nights
=The battery now discharges more slowly
It follows
To celebrate me being in Summer Break and therefore development being back on track, here's a nice fortifying image of Mario being sliced in twain ๐
Prepare wisely... ๐
(Work in progress obviously)
. . .out
Specimen Luigi's death screen, completely original, not at all inspired from another game mentionned in the credits, nooooo... ๐
(Don't worry, it's the only death screen that is this similar to Spooky's lul I just wanted to make a direct reference)
Hey ! ๐
โฎโฑงษษ โฎโฑคโณโฑโฑษฤ โฅษ ลโฆ โฎโฑงลโด เธฟรฤษ
What is she doing ? ๐