Comments (147)
Looks interesting, can't wait to play it!

3rd comet to in one day geez. I beat the Max mode of the twisted factory!
WOW, the game looks amazing, if you want I can help you with the models for the game

I finally beat house mode %100!
i can't beat night 4
Five Nights At Wario's The Twisted Factory
The Latest Version Of The Game ! Enjoy ! V.2.0.10
Five Nights At Wario's: The Twisted Factory (OLD PACKAGE)
The Previous Version Of The Game ! V.1.1.0
Game Soundtrack
When Memories Break (BadWabbitz)
Game On Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/446923985/
Thanks to @WwwWario for the original fan game and thanks to "Scott Cawthon" for the original game !
Five Nights At Wario's: The Twisted Factory 2: https://gamejolt.com/games/TWISTED/575824
Five Nights At Wario's: The Twisted Factory Memories: https://gamejolt.com/games/FNAWM/587629
You and your friend decided to investigate an old and abandoned factory, previously owned by the Wario's company. 👀
You will encounter some familiar faces, but that's not YOUR goal... 🔪
On the other hand, something is happening at your friend's house, and he is not telling you anything... 😵
Discover the two sides of this story, of this twisted story. 💻
Thanks "YoshiFan2018" for the models for BrawlBox !
@TechTheRobot : Beta Tester and Voice Actor
@_LuigiAiden : Beta Tester
@ace_gaming : Beta Tester
@TheRealTacogames: Beta Tester
@Toadder25 : Beta Tester
@WwwWario : Creator Of The Original Series
@realscawthon : Creator Of Five Nights At Freddy's
A Heist With Markiplier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TjfkXmwbTs&ab_channel=Markiplier
#fangame #horror #action #adventure #survival #pointnclick #strategy #mario #luigi #waluigi #wario #twisted #factory #house #computer #peach #toad #bowser #nightmare #five #nights #camera #cameras #dark #scary #invasion #warios #demon #fnaw #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence