It’s <Backspace> to load up a game(if you have a savefile in .yay format)… NOT <Shift>… I will fix this a wee bit from now, but, I’m working on my Castlevania-Megaman-ish project… It’s NOT a new project, rather it’s a really old one.. I Want to finish it so that It won’t bother me much on the future…
And Oh! Report any bugs, the ceiling-infinite-jumps exploit is still existent, I’ve given up on how to fix this…. So, I made a specific room a wee bit easier… Please Comment on how far you got, and your death counts, I’d appreciate it if POST Youtube Videos of this… <—— OPTIONAL, got it?
Though This is OPTIONAL… If you can find an appropriate recorder that is~ Which is hard, HyperCam will cause lag, Fraps will have a screen record problem(there a black gap at the side when you finish recording), Screen Record Gold is okay; though it may crash, plus record without music since if you do, then it will screw up your video… I could find one then, I would probably recommend it…