Rayman ReDesigner

2 years ago

Version 1.4.0 has been released.

As usual, please report all glitches and bugs you may find. Even though this is the final major update, I'm still committed to posting bug fixes.


-Dropped 32-bit support since Game Maker dropped it too

-Fixed the long lasting issue where you couldn't save levels outside of Redesigner's appdata folder

-Fixed the object selection borders so they don't become invisible if zoomed far away

-Fixed objects getting deselected if clicking on the edges of the editor ui

-Fixed a rare crash when killing running thunderbolts

-Fixed running sound getting stuck if running into instakill spikes

-Fixed being able to move with debug fly while on a checkpoint

-Fixed lag spikes when the game loaded sprites from different texture pages


-Added a new hotkey for toggling editor object and collision visibility during testmode for easier debugging

-Made custom music and background textboxes display the full path if hovered over

-Made custom graphics now show a placeholder sprite if the graphic failed to load

-Made it so custom graphics will also check the root of the Custom folder if it cant find the correct subdirectory

-Added multiply on the numpad as a hotkey for opening the gen id prompt

-Added a way to quickly replay the same level after finishing it

-Added the Collectible Locators from Redemption as an option


-Made the running lightningbolts glow in the dark

-Made big lavaballs glow in the dark

-Made the bzzit shot able to move floating mines

-Made it so Gendoor Fairies can collect coloured Tings and Bolls

-Made Gendoor fairy able to trigger water movers

-Added an option to make Gendoor Fairy invisible

-Increased the respawn time of Spiky Yin Yang and Toy Car platform

-Magic walls can now be destroyed with a specific cage requirement

-Levers can now require a specific amount of tings to use

-Added an "in-water" sprite for the basketball

-Added the missing bongo tracks to the music selection

-Added an option to change the layer of Custom Graphics

-Added all the music tracks to the music starter and vice versa

-Added an option to stop the main music track with Music Starter

-Added a silent sfx option to gendoors and killdoors


-Added Mr Dark's Tall Flame

-Added Dark Magician NPC

-Added the Ting Magnet from Redemption as a separate collectable item

-Added a new Space Mama Chaser object

-Added enemy gendoors and killdoors

-Added a magic cloud which appears when enough gifts have been opened

-Added the menace as an enemy that throws bombs which can destroy some obstacles

-Added darktoon as an enemy that flies around and shoots magic bolts




Next up

The Anniversary Update is here! (Version 1.3.0)

This update includes a bunch of extra stuff which was requested over the course of 2021. Full changelog below. As usual, don't hesitate to report bugs and glitches.

Version 1.2.0 has been released. This will most likely be the final content update. There will be bug fixes if need to be, but you don't expect any more new additions. Thank you to everyone who have given suggestions, reported bugs and made levels so far!

Tune in this friday to check out a video which showcases some of the things that will be in the Final Fixes and Additions update:

Version 0.1.0 has been released!

Be aware that this version WILL include possible bugs, glitches and other weird stuff, so don't forget to leave feedback! It is highly appreciated.

Rayman Redistributor is here! MeekRhino has made a website for sharing ReDesigner levels. This will hopefully become THE concentrated database for ReDesigner levels, skins and backgrounds!

The new 'Custom Graphic' object:

To make sure your custom graphic shows up correctly, make sure it's in the 'Custom' folder, just like all custom music and background resources have been so far. Don't forget to bundle the graphics with your level!

"Final fixes and additions" -update is on it's way!

If you have any ideas, fixes, etc in mind, share them here. Still no guarantee I'll implement them, but I'd still like to hear what you guys have in mind.

Blerb #24

Happy Holidays! Version 0.1 of ReDesigner is almost ready for public testing. I'm going to make a couple of levels myself to potentially find and fix some bugs, but after that you can expect the editor to release in January or so.

Version 1.1.0 has been released. You can now create custom skins by editing the included png files! Some limitations still apply, but people might get pretty creative with this.

Important info after the break:

Thank you for all the quick reports already. Yes, this Gamejolt page IS the place to share bugs and stuff. I see every comment.