Hey there lads, I hope you're all doing well. If you're wondering where this game has been for the past 3 years, it was initially cancelled. I had regret this decision for a while and had continuously thought about picking it back up for a very long time. Now, I can safely say that that time is now.
However, there will be major changes. I will be rebuilding the game from the ground up as I have heavily updated the game's framework which it previously used. Because of this, I will be porting most of my work over to the new code to make it easier for me to manage. It'll take a while, but we'll get there. I also plan on adding in as many of the planned stages as possible before I have any kind of new demo release.
Also, by the way, the game will not be called Sonic Oxilary anymore. I think it's a bit of a stupid name tbh. Instead, I have already thought up of a much better name which fits both the intended story and the main gameplay mechanic. I can't wait to share that with you.
Anyways, that'll be it from me. I will also be working on Veredilia side by side, but with work in the way, I will be putting more attention to that game instead, working on this project whenever I possibly can.
Take care lads, and I'll see you soon. I'm out.