Stuck At The Bunker (Official)

1 day ago

Wait wait.....Why are we making Stuck At The Bunker?

Ah yes, a great question that most if not all of you asked!

This post will cover that question along covering other things about SATB that no one asked about... So lets answer the question on this post....

We are remaking ODATH because we have retconned a lot of stuff in the Jokesters Series now. This game just like Mason's serves as a retcon to the respective game its being remade from. While I think now that ODATH 2.0 is okay. Its style does not line up with the presentation and story we wanna have for the series now. But it was excused at the time because I was just getting stated making Fan-Games with 3D rendered graphics. Now of course over time the graphics and models got better. But for some reason I did not bother to change the locations in the 2.0 update aside from some aspects. This is where SATB comes to play. Along with introducing new gameplay, a rewritten story, and a truck load of retconned stuff. We have a fresh breath of air when it comes to the graphics. Most importantly the rooms....

Here are some comparisons:

Rave Room


Middle Room


Along with the remade rooms. We have whole new areas for the remake! You see one of the aspects of the old version that I don't like is the fact that there where only 3 camera's. But this remake will fix upon that issue. Now the monitor has 5 cameras!

These new rooms are:

Hallway 1


Hallway 2


Speaking of Hallway 2, We have a whole new mechanic that revolves around it. The room at first is pitch black, but if you press Space. The room will light up by a flash, sounds familiar? This mechanic will play a huge role in the Story Mode of the game where one of the characters mechanics revolves around it.....

One thing to end of this section is the plans for this game.

Stuck At The Bunker will contain:

Story Mode (4 Nights in total)

Interactable Intermissions After Each Night

NeW SecREt NIgHt tO pLaY AftEr Story Mode Is Complete

Custom Night (With 4 additional characters to unlock)

Extras (It might contain a BTS section but we are not sure about that for the time being, so don't take that as a promise)

Alright, now that we got all of that out of the way. Its time to talk about something more interesting....that is.....

Early Stages of SATB

Before we even started working on this game. I made a video where I made a 360 perspective on Turbowarp, most of you in the FNAF Scratch community may already know about it at this point. And after the success of that post. I wanted to see if I could make a full game using it. So, I made this test that you are seeing right now.


But I ran into lots of problems when making it that I never knew about. And just the clarify, I did not create the 3D code extension lol.

Layers would fly all over the place

You are unable to click on anything

Textures are always low quality (I get why but still)

At the end, I just went for the traditional rout, which is for the best honestly, Lets move on to.....

What's Next After SATB Releases?

Honestly, I think that I want SATB to be the last game that I and Team Marx is gonna make. Now of course everyone will go their separate ways and make their own projects. But for me I just want it to end here, despite it being a huge remake.

I think that I just perfected in making a great FNAF fangame series. A goal that I always wanted ever since 2020.

I've perfected in coding, I've perfected in making amazing models and rooms, perfecting in making a good story. In reality, I've perfected in everything. So there is no reason to continue with a canonical 4th game. But even with all of that, my characters will stay around, and even stick around in all of your hearts. For all of you who have followed me throughout this journey. These characters have captured the hearts of all of you! And that makes me happy. But SATB will not be the only game that I will be releasing during this time. We have a special project to celebrate a certain Jester's birthday with!

But again, even if I'm done making games. I'm still gonna be on GJ, Hell I might even help out with other projects by other people. But when it comes to making games, as I've said many times. I want it to end with this game/remake.

Release Date

We will release it when its done, we are not doing a planned release date this time because we just got started with the project, which is good because that leaves room for many ideas of how the game should play out.

Closing Thoughts

Just like Mason's, we hope that we will not disappoint with SATB. HELL, one of the reason's why we are making SATB is to improve upon Mason's. And maybe to help us improve more and more. We ask you to give us suggestions every time we reveal some bits of gameplay, yes YOU. We bet that all of you will be great help when it comes to making this game the best it can be! Speaking of help....

As of recent, we hired 2 new members to help out on Team Marx, they are:

Willow (hired as one of the renderers)

And Rafale William (hired as a Voice Actor)

Hell, we can even show off what Willow has done right now!


(Of course I always do graphic designing after a render is done, but still)

Speaking of render's, here are the new promo cards of all the many face's you will see in Story Mode!





Meta Knightmarion

yes that is gonna be his actual name from now on due to the story we wanna tell now.


BTW we plan to give him more screentime and we also rewritten him for this remake!



Oh yea, by the time that this post is posted. ONAM Remarxed and ODATH will be unlisted. But you can still access them, it's just that I don't recommend playing them because of said story and direction we wanna tell now. And any mentioned of them on any game page will be replaced with SATB. And unlike Mason's, SATB will not have constant devlogs. I just don't want to reveal every detail about it this time

Alright.....we will leave it here.....We hope to see you soon as we are...Stuck At The Bunker........



Next up

Meta Knight Rig is now available to the public!

A Friendly Face has shown up.....

Meta Knight Vs Kirby

made just for fun c:

i experimented with dynamic paint for this one :D (making hole in the snow Moon sits in with it XD) cranked up quite significantly the subdivs of the snow, i think it looks really good c:

made with #blender

Today on January 26th, a year has passed.

Meta Knight Rig is fully done!

Freddy is now fully modeled and textured!

Uh sorry for a lack of renders as of lately....I'm just cooking a new Meta Knight rig........ It will be absolutely peak once it's fully done