Mainly fixes and some new little throne room editions, mostly housekeeping and making sure everything has multiple outcomes and variations to keep things fresh, also the filesize has been reduced quite a bit as there were a few complaints, 3x smaller now!
Compressed all warsim music files reduced warsim filesize from 161mb to 47mb
Added Gibbering monk three forheads
Added gibbering monk shrunken head
Added paid advice throne room encounter
Added two coins stuck togeather throne room encounter
Added painted stone throne room encounter
Added moulded dung throne room encounter
Added starving 12 children throne room encounter
Added family eating their dog throne room encounter
Added dynamic witches curses (deserters, gold, rebels, bandits)
Added knight and damsel throne room
Added knight offers 100 gold throne room
Added non-fighting knight throne room
Added mini chance of coin landing on side in coin flip throne room encounter
Fixed Goblin clan alliance bug (Credit Defender from
Fixed duplicate line issue in blockaded music guild
Fixed Repeated leaving sentence in demon realm (Credit Defender from
Fixed rebel plotter throne room encounter (8x rarer now)
Fixed road robber throne room encounter (2x rarer now)
Fixed throw goblin out of court throne room duplicate bug
Fixed abomination music rabble bug
Fixed sleeping with skeletons no prisoner bug
Fixed you the gold text bug
Fixed disgraced ‘heros’ text bug
Fixed goblin coin giver wrong action tag
Fixed goblin coin giver text from old encounter bug
Modified throne room child coin encounter relation odds
Allowed void visitors to bypass rabble
Added new suffixes ‘the drizzler and the pecker’
Added 5 new flag parts
Added 5 new advices
Made coin flip 1% more likely to be tails (51/49)
Made it more likely to lose public opinion for jailing wedding man
Made it more likely to lose public opinion for condemning wedding man
Made coin of fate reward scale with the players (10k per land)