
4 years ago

We are currently wrapping up the second large area of Eldritchvania. The Voynich Glade. Here are some more screenshots of what this overgrown ruin has to offer.



Next up

The Trailer for Eldritchvania is finally here!

Please share and like if you are hype for the upcoming release! ( Date still pending)

Hey all!

Just a friendly reminder for those who may have missed it.

Eldritchvania is out and free to play right now!

We're getting some awesome feedback and super stoked to see people enjoying our work.

Check it out:

The end is drawing near!

Eldritchvania is drawing ever nearer its completion. We are still working on polishing everything, adding sounds and vfx. We wont be announcing any release dates...yet. But know that exciting... and horrible things await you...

We're back with another update to Eldritchvania!

The focus here was accessibility, namely the flashing effects included throughout the game.

We've added the option to turn off flashing effects!

3 Days until Eldritchvania goes Live!

Prepare yourself for a challenging adventure by following the game here on Gamejolt!

You can also wishlist on steam:

Eldritchvania is full of devious puzzles. Some might be harder than they look. Will you be able to conquer them all? ( Its hard to show off puzzles without giving hints, but hopefully you wont be able to gleam too much from this!)

Eldritchvania is available now for free! Can you survive the horrors that lurk amidst the forgotten depths?


We have been working hard on Eldritchvania, and we got some exciting news to share! We are almost content complete! That means that all main features of the game are finished, and we'll be moving on to the polish stage soon!

Bug Fixes!

Since the last Eldritchvania update we've been reading feedback and watching game play videos; which lead us to witnessing and fixing more bugs.

Check the article for the list of fixes

Greetings followers!

Eldritchvania is nearing its completion at last.

While we can't give an exact release date, we are closer than ever, and hoping for a release early 2024.

Thank you so much for you continued support.

And stay tuned for more...