On the hunt for cheesy solutions
Late during development, we made a brute-force based AI that tries to solve Puddle Knights levels. Here are some results:

Tiny level from the start of the game: found goal after trying 84 states, 104 possible states in total.

First level of the new lava world: found goal after trying 1867 states, 6314 possible states in total.

Maybe surprisingly this special tiny level has 7976 possible states! However, the bot doesn't take it into account that the knights with the same cape length are basically interchangeable. With that taken into account, there are about 2000 states.

One of the harder levels of the new lava world: Bot couldn't manage to find a solution after churning through possibilities for 5 minutes.
The bot was initially made so that we could easily check if levels are solvable, or possibly also find cheesy unintended solutions. It fell a bit short of this goal though. Some of the levels are so complex that the bot just freezes Unity for several minutes, but still doesn't find a solution because there are so many possible states! Turns out we made a tricky game.