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Version 0.2 is available!
New renders, new music, the continuation of the story, and... More questions ._.
The development of Beyond The Crime has been completed! The final version is now available for download.
And for our Spanish friends, the game was translated!聽
Thanks again for everything... And it's not over yet.
Version 0.2 -> 80%
隆Empieza la nueva era de Lex Studios!
I have a dream, versi贸n 0.1, 隆ya disponible!
隆Hola amigos!
Estoy empezando un nuevo proyecto, una novela visual 3D interactiva de ciencia ficci贸n, misterio y hasta algunas veces de comedia.
Compartir茅 el link aqu铆 por si les interesa: https://gamejolt.com/games/ihaveadream/659308
Cualquier opini贸n es bien recibida :)
隆Versi贸n 0.2 ya disponible!
Beyond The Crime 0.3 is available now!
The biggest update of the game is out. Continuation of the story, new renders, and more!
- Remade the beginning of the game.
- Now the story is divided into chapters.
- 140 new renders!
- Bug fixes!
隆La versi贸n 0.3 de I have a dream ya est谩 disponible!
隆Continuaci贸n de las historias, arreglos de bugs y m谩s!
i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-
Chiaki Nanami!