The annoying Leap Motion error, that has been plaguing the project for the past 12 months, is finally gone! Pooof! Disappeared! ‘tis no more!
I will be releasing a new build again this Friday, with a whole heap of fixes and crushed bugs. Below is the feedback/ bug list:
Sort the hand transform on the first level, can’t transform backforce the player to upgrade jump with first two upgrade pointsincrease the hit box of the attack, it’s too preciseIncrease the size of the interaction box for the switchesupgrade menu choice swapping, the text displays both for a secondLevel003 has Z clashing at the entrance to the saw room and the axe roomSpike hit boxes can still inflict damage when the spikes aren’t out.look a the force in which the player is thrown back when attacked by a playerdecrease the difficulty of the star points. Need to actually give people some upgrade points.Make the hand token respawn if the player diesadd a skip button to the narration partsremove the platform collision feature.
If you haven’t already, please grab a copy of the demo and have a play yourself! I could do with more feedback!
Don’t forget, Medieval Steve is on Greenlight and needs all the help you can muster! Pop on over there now and cast your vote!