Sorry if I haven’t posted Week #3 news, I didn’t because I simply did nothing to the game that week, lol. But this week I worked a lot on it. I made a new fog of war system:
I’m also working on two things, one is very important, a new movement system, and the other is very cool, the AI villages development. Their AI work like this, in order of priority:
Pop. capacity exceeded? Build a house.
Food production < Food consumption? Build farm.
No villagers for building requests? Train villager.
Order idle villagers to work on mines/lumbermills if possible.
Build mine/lumbermill when nothing is really needed.
Each village has its action_delay variable, which defines the time between these checks above. The faster the checks, the faster they raise. Difficulty defines their action delay, added to some random number. I need to add more things like make them build markets, barracks, etc, also making them train warriors when in need of protection and make they plan attacks (mwahaha) against the others, of course, but it’s already very nice and grateful to see them raising their own villages, hehe.