10 years ago

Weekly Update - June 28th

Codename: ZXZXZX

June 28th 2015

Hi everyone. I’ve been contracting for almost all of my work weeks recently, so haven’t had much time to work on this or on the main project Friendship Club. I have however managed to get through a few of the low hanging fruit. And eat them. Nom!

What are those fruit you ask? Well…

For those who have been following progress, those were the final few items on my todo list. I’ll need to think of some more, so…

  • Place moving platforms using the editor.

  • Create custom re-usable script functions using the editor.

  • Make more rooms using the editor, duh!

Feel free to make some suggestions for me. And as always, share, comment, subscribe, let me know what you think, etc. :)

@ashleygwinnell | @forcehabit



Next up

NEW! I've started editing the first video in my indie game #devlog series. All will be revealed soon! (Tiny secret on what it's about hidden in the image!)

Stand & Deliver: Standing out at Expos on a Budget! Top tips for making your stand as fun and engaging as possible at events.

Another visualisation from my "Stairs" prototype - switched the colours up this time for extra psychedelia!

Game link:

#psychedelic #visualisation #action #twitch #rotation #minimal #gamedev

Our Coverage Bot just casually doing its thing — it's all looking pretty well!

If you have a game coming out soon (and can spare a few bucks), fire over a message! It tracks your mentions all over games media.

#gamedev #marketingtools #buildinpublic

Pre-Visualisations in Game Development Most often used in film production, what the devil is pre-vis, or pre-visualisation?

Visualisation from my "Stairs" prototype - one of many! Follow for more!

#psychedelic #visualisation #action #twitch #rotation #minimal #gamedev

Revisiting & recording my talk I gave at GameDevDays Graz last year - "All Things Game Feel" - for YouTube. I'll post back here when it's done! In the mean time: subscribe on YT maybe? x

#gamefeel #gamedev #tips

GDC 2015: Judging the Big Indie Pitch

Mashed! A buggy, broken, seemingly unfinished game that we're completely obsessed with.

Knee Deep: A Swamp Noir in Three Acts