Underswap : Tales between the stars

4 days ago

Welcome back, Ramadan + We are taking a break.

(Art by alexberries)

Yes, we are taking about a month break.
Because of school reasons that take out almost the entire team.

Also since a few of the devs (including me) are muslim, We will be taking a break for ramadan (since working for this project is already a sin, we can't afford doing the same sin during the month where both our sins and good-deeds are doubled).
But fret not.
After this short break we will get back to work better and stronger than any time before!

(Some concept art made by alexberries:



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Next up

We weren't dead. just casually redoing the entire project.

4 LEFT!!!!!

Oooo double post

Congratulations on [the loss of your beloved one]

Devlog 8/30/2024

noelle joined

ice to meet you

QNA [again] ig