Current Version 0.1.0
This marks the first version of the SPLICE engine!
Not to many features are included in this version of the engine..
Need help learning SPLICE? Check out this new dictionary we have that include's all of the functionalitys of V0.1.0
✨When more features are added we will also feature tutorials on how to make certain games with the SPLICE engine to give you a base understanding of SPLICE's fundamentals.✨
"Main" - Stand's for functions used in the Main.splc game file
SPLICE language dictionary
Main> X (Change the X position of the current Character)
Main> Y (Change the Y position of the current Character)
Main> XD (Moves the Character in the direction its facing)
Main> +R (Change the Rotation of the current Character)
Main> R (Set the Rotation of the current Character)
Main> Goto (Declaring "Goto" followed by two numbers sets the current X and Y position of the Character)
Main> Flip (Flips the entire Character not the asset image)
Main> Visible (Declaring "Visible" followed by "True" or "False" will change the visibility of the Character)
Main> Wait (Declaring "Wait" followed by a number will make the script wait that amount of time and then resume)
Main> Rep (Declaring "Rep" followed by a number that defines how many times you want the script to repeat)
Main> EndRep (Marks the end of the "Rep" function)