GEAR-SHIFT || Undertale AU Fangame

1 year ago

Welcome... to STORYSHIFT The Uncanon Game page!

Hello everybody, fanimator on air! Ah, it sure has been a while since I've made anything impactful (or anything more than just music and art overall)! Well, now I am back, BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER!

The long hiatus was never meaningless however. I have been... Doing various things. Trying out ideas, (mostly unique indie dev(which usually didn't work out)), practicing, and polishing my Undertale engine. And what is a better way to start the year than with a very great thing right here?

This game is supposed to be my own retake on the Storyshift AU idea! Me and the boys have been cooking interesting ideas for it, and now I will make sure to put them in good use.

This'll take quite a while if I do this all solo however, so I am open for help! Sprites, music (mostly that please please i am a bad musician), writing, (all in nearly perfect Undertale/Toby Fox style) practically anything would be helpful! If you can help or know someone who can help, contact me on Gamejolt.

Without further ado, let's start this year with a dimensional shift, hehe. Farewell and we'll tune in very soon!



Next up

Cooking got delayed but at least we have found the "perfect" palette (((very opinion-based))) thanks to @calilee


Look at him go! He just GRADUATED!!!

it's fake by the way, he would rather kill himself instead

noelle joined

two puzzle rooms down by the way

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

I have taken a turn in tweaking everything I made up until this very moment! (This has to be the first ever legitemate devlog for this lol)

The header art is present by @hooded-the-original by the way!!!

Yes, that's what I have, you silly Lisa Dinosimpson.

Undertale Icebound: Blossoming bravery.

Regarding the Discord Ban in Russia situation.