11 months ago

Well all Realms/Communities of FNAF and Portal (Well, almost of all of them), I'd FINALLY DONE IT!!!! Hope you're ALL having a safe & fantastic afternoon by the way!! Anyways, here they are at LONG LAST HERE!!!!!

(Link to the #1020thGameJoltPost that I'd made yesterday: https://gamejolt.com/p/hello-all-of-you-beautiful-people-out-there-and-inside-of-the-five-khjdbnrf)

So, at the top of the "Article Content Section" here on this #1025thGameJoltPost here, I'd FINALLY created/typed out almost or just parts of all of the STORIES and whatnot for the #4th and #5th upcoming "TRtoJJ's/The Return to Jax Justun's" future-like parody games!!! As for now, there's only like TWO Chapters and one Episode for "The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy" and THREE Chapters and one single Episode also for only "The Return to Jax Justun's 5: Napature & Aperture Science with Mr. Corallus and Evilalita", as for like for now at least........

From January 27th, 2024 and towards today here on January 28th, 2024, I'd worked so tirelessly from typing out all of each and every single paragraph for each of those TWO TRtoJJ'S games here!!! And from typing this #1025thGameJoltPost here on GameJolt of course, it's was like 2:02 PM in the afternoon from my side of this planet here!!! Anyways, hope you guys will enjoy those almost finished up stories and whatnot from the #1020thPost that I'd made since like yesterday on Jan. 27th, 2024!!!


And you ALL already notice some interesting EASTER EGGS/HINTS that I'd put inside of those stories right there. Like the names for NEW and UPCOMING Characters, some interesting things about past events, and some other stuff as well!!! And from that #1020th Post alone, I'd also made and uploaded some TEASERS for the upcoming #4th and #5th future-like Parody FNAF/Portal-ed Games for the "The Return to Jax Justun's/TRtoJJ's" series based on the events of Jax Justun Studios and its very own and personal Universe(s) and Timelines-es!!!

So, I hope guys had love part of those stories so far for those upcoming future games and everything!!! So, on February 9th, 2024 (which is like 12 or a dozen days away at this point of time-ness here and whatnot), is going to be the release date for The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy game and then on March 9th, 2024's the release date for The Return to Jax Justun's 5: Napature & Aperture Science with Mr. Corallus and Evilalita game!!! So be prepared on those days alone okay!?!??!!!!

Not only that, I'll also be making more and more TEASERS and whatnot for those TWO TRtoJJ's Games, but also some other stuff as well!!! So, be prepared and everything you guys!!! Stay safe and have a nice and positive afternoon!! #PortalAndFNAFTogetherasONE!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!



Next up

HT Band Member Song Album #8 (Mr. Corallus) - (Created on: December 15th, 2024) The parody delays had FINALLY stop people!!!! After months of waiting, HT Band Entertainment have FINALLY returned for an all new official parody update!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #32 & #33 - Douche "D" & Honey Mustard - Both From Sausage Party Afternoon morning people, December 18th, 2024 was/is today, and Draxx Dustun Studios has their official #23ndAnd33rdPCCs to look at here!!!!!!!

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6.1 - Piggy BatPig (Created on: December 17th, 2024) December 17th, 2024, baby, we're getting close to Christmas everybody!!!! WHOA!!!!! NarchGraites Pictures have created yet another recalled parody mascot!!!!!!!!!!!

While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus

Till next time when I return to working on the projects!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #34 - Bethawney Hetheneey Crystal Ender Dragon (BHCED) - Crystal Dragon What in the world Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Pictures??? You're already given/sharing/showing us your next #DDSparodyCameoMascot already????

be prepared

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #10 - Mr. Stopwatcher (Created on: December 17th, 2024) It's has been 12 whole months now here in 2024, and today here on #Dec17th2024, I've created the/my official #2300thGameJolt here on GameJolt!!!!

HT Band Member Parody Bio Poster #5 (For Crystal The Octoling) - Created on: December 15th, 2024 WOW!!!! What a chaotic day this was folks!!!! Good thing it wasn't all that bad!!!! But anyways, here's something from Napature Science!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 8: @PhantronGames is a great Creator who makes FNaF fan games and animations! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2019 Parody Character #14 - Mr. Stappular (Created on: February 5th, 2024) This right here's none other then "Mr. Naustcer Starr"!!!! Wait a minute??? This is robotic-like Samurai Pig that we're talking here??? How's he a star??? OH!!!!! Too soon?????