I am soooooooooooooo sorry that this took like forever to set up!! I was just soooooooooooooooo busy from high schooling and was having some family things to take care of!!!
But not to worry folks!! I had finally made the 3rd and last part of this story. YES!! I know this story was so long to make, but all of that waiting and timing was worth it right? Anyways, don't worry folks!! The story for the 9th FNaJJ's game will be out soon eventually!!
Click this link for more updates about the story of this game and a lot more!!!!!(https://gamejolt.com/games/OneMorePart2GOandBAM10Points4U/754059)
Even all the rest of my games as well!! Just follow me @NanGameJolt23 to find out more from updates, and what not okay? THANKS A LOT!!! Be safe my gamejolt friends!!!