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After hours of waiting, the official story for the #8thFNatJJs game's finally been finished from remastering!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!
Hey guys, the story for Five Nights at Jax Justun's 8: Cassidy Heiste For Some Revenge (AKA: The 1st Part) has already been created!!! It's not ALL finished yet, but will sooner be ready and everything!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! #GoodNightEverybody!!! #RespectThemParodies!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!
Game Soundtrack
FNaJJ8CHFSR(AKA:T1stP) Main Menu Music #1
Five Nights at Jax Justun's 8: Cassidy Heiste For Some Revenge (AKA: The 1st Part)
(Message Typed: 08/31/2022)
This game (and yes its story) will contain real world problems, real world issues, deathes, mental health stuff, and fights and arguments. And Yeah!!! I think you know what I mean. Anyways, take care everyone. By the way, VIEWER DESCRIPTION IS ADVISED-ED!!!!
Stay tuned with updates also!!! #LOVEUALL!!!!!
1st Part of Story Typed: 06/25/2023
Chapter One: August 17th, 1817
Many years ago, roughly around on July 23rd, 1817, a strange fellow green creature named "Cassidy Heiste" has sadly didn't get the glory that he had wanted for a long time!! Cassidy unfortunately had wanted to become a fighting warrior, also known as an actor and even a builder to create his own things in life. He could've wanted to go towards "Leafmint Studyhall University" during the fall in 1818. Though he'll would NEVER land his dream job because he had a misunderstanding with his embarrassing brother and his rest of HIS entire crazy family.
Since that had happened afterwards, he would then took his own life on July 23rd, 1817. Just days before his senior year at "Leafmint Merrybush High School". However though, it has said in Cassidy's documents that HE had first started to have mental health problems around at the age of 113 at his beginning year in his 8th grade time at "Leaftmint Clover Middle School". His grades began to drop fast, he would NOT get along with any of his friends, and he'll try to just cut his own self inside of the men's bathroom.
Things seemed to had changed for Cassidy Heiste in his high school years. In his freshman year, he'd got along with all of the students and teachers, he would offer people his own hand made ornaments during christmas time, and he'll always make anyone laugh inside and outside of high school. During Cassidy's 9th grade year in high school, his grades finally had brighten up more!! In his 1st to 4th quarters, he'll get all As!!! He'd also become class president of the Class of 1818!!! After Cassidy Heiste had finished HIS 1st two years at Leafmint Merrybush High School, he would then workout in the gym, buy his own meals, and even watch tutorial videos on making hand made creations.
Months later, Cassidy Heiste would then make his next chapter at high more better than never before!! During HIS 10th grade year at Leafmint Merrybush High School, Cassidy Heiste would then have the chance to talk to his career counselor about going to Leafmint Studyhall University to get a degree on Marketing and also a degree on finest arts because Cassidy was dreaming of creating his own business and use it to make more money and profits for his family to live on FOREVER!!
Cassidy had also had more fun times during his Sophomore year!! He got his own girlfriend, he made new designs for his classes t-shirts, and he even performed during the assembly dances during homecoming, and other sporting games. He's also joined many clubs, so many field trips, and even volunteered from helping and decorating everything for his Sophomore Banquet, prom, and Luau!! Cassidy also had become friends with his high school principal. But not a FOOLISH-way though, but in a nice and friendly way.
Anyways, it was now May 16th, 1816, and Cassidy Heiste was now being an usher for the seniors during their graduation practise. The reason why Cassidy was also leading the seniors Class of 1816 because HIS friend, the high school principal had sadly didn't make because of heart surgery. By the way, for some reason during the 1st and second quarters, Cassidy was getting As and Bs from his classes. But not to worry folks!! At least during his 3rd and 4th quarters his damn As had returned for vengeance!!
However though, on June 1st, 1816, things had changed a bit with Cassidy HIMSELF!! Although he'd joined the Teen Program at "Leafmint District Park", he sadly didn't do anything at his house. Well, although Cassidy Heiste looks nice and famous at high school, but at his own home, it's a different story to tell.
Chapter Two: August 17th, 1817 Part TWO
At home, Cassidy would then throw dishes at his grandfather, flick fingers at his siblings and brothers, (AND SISTERS), and would also have nightmares about not only his sister Parker Heiste, but also having nightmares about his dark Past events and Future moments as well.
Since that was happening a lot during the summer in 1816, Cassidy's brother "Malter Heiste", which he was a 9th grader at the time, would then call his grandmother and tell her to call the hospital for help. Like every single Wednesday, Cassidy's family has to bring Cassidy to the hospital everyday because of him having so many dark nightmares about his Past, Present and FUTURE moments about his own self in general. His sister Parker included.
But things were getting worst for Cassidy Heiste. It was now August 3rd, 1816, and it was the 1st day of Cassidy's Junior year. Unfortunately, things did NOT go so well for him. He'd didn't get along with his care-quarternator because she was being so mean to her. During his 2nd day of his Junior year, Cassidy brought in a real-life spike mace and use to fight against his care-quarternator in the classroom. He also had her for his class of the day. Thanks to those nightmares that Cassidy have had during the summer, Cassidy's day will be more dangerous than never before!! And his welcome back assembly was in THREE DAYS!!! So on Tuesday, August 4th. 1816, Cassidy's fame would now turned to BLAME!!! But not for long!!!
So, a day later, on Wednesday, August 5th, 1816, Cassidy Heiste was then brought to the Vice Principal's office for something a bit........Well? You know. A bit disturbing!! The Vice Principal had told everything about Cassidy and his actions in front of his care-quarternator. It was already 5:00PM and Cassidy's high school VP had told him that if makes a deal with him, his life will be spared like no other!!!
But months later. It didn't even matter for Cassidy Heiste himself!!! He didn't get along with his friends and teachers (some at the very least), his grades were dropping VERY VERY low-blow, and his fame was of course, turning to BLAME-o-LAME!!! He did get to deserved to join all school trips and activities. But he really didn't have fun at all. The past months Cassidy was still having nightmares about his FUTURE ONLY!!!! His nightmare friends told him that he needs to KILL HIMSELF!!! But he told them that he will next year. He'd promise for them for that!!
Chapter Two: August 17th, 1817 Part THREE (FINALLY!!! THE FINALE!! Not Really......Though)
2nd Part of Story Typed: 06/26/2023
So a year has past and now it was May 29th, 1817, and Cassidy Heiste has FINALLY survived his Junior Year at Leafmint Merrybush High School. Or so he had thought. A month later, at 7:50 PM, on July 23rd, 1817, Cassidy was ready to go to bed until he'd stumbled across some sleeping pills that he has found in his parent's old cupboard.
However, the package or container that has the sleeping pills in it didn't have any warning labels in it!! So Cassidy Heiste had told HIMSELF that, "if I take like 100 sleeping pills, I'll get rid of my nightmares!!" Which he'd said in his quiet mind. So he swallowed 100 sleeping pills and went to bed!! The next day was July 24th, 1817, and Cassidy's little 9th grade of a brother Malter Heiste was trying to wake up his older brother. But, it was no use. Cassidy was knocked out so hard!!! he didn't have a pulse, he wasn't ACTUALLY breathing, and did NOT sayed one single word!!
So on July 24th, 1817, at around at 8:09 AM in the morning, Cassidy Heiste was found dead in his own family's home. He was only 117 years old at the time!!! He'll never land his dream jobs, he'll never start his SENIOR YEAR, and he'll see his future life ever again. It was now August 17th, 1817, and it was the day of Cassidy's funeral and his other brother, which he's now an eight grader, will eventually had revenge for his brother and his sisters as well!!! However, during Cassidy's funeral, disaster was then struck at the other side of Cassidy's funeral, some unknown creature which was green and has like a similar body towards Cassidy's one. The name included. That thing was called or best described as "Cassidy Hassidy"!!!
Chapter Three: Cassidy Hassidy Returns with Harassity Hassidy
Many years later, on June 12th, 1997, Cassidy Hassidy and his wife Harassity Hassidy had returned for what the people that had done with their friends and family!!! Both of these creatures were best known as "Symbioletes", also known as "Alien Monster-noids"!!!! Both of these creatures were trashing up the place where Cassidy Heiste and his girlfriend use to live.
They'd also destroyed their old high school, their middle school and even their own businesses that were ruled by Cassidy's and his girlfriend's family trees. No one knows why or HOW those crazy "Hassidy Things" had escaped from their cells in the first place.
It wasn't until years later, on July 8th, 2017, both Cassidy Hassidy and Harassity Hassidy were then FINALLY been banished from the real world!! Never to be seen again. Until NOW at least!!! The remains of Cassidy Hassidy's body was found alive when it had stumbled across into another dimension. He was then realized that he was transported into the MINECRAFT world!! The remains of Cassidy Hassidy's body was of course rediscovered by its own self on 06/26/2022!!! Unfortunately, the remains of Harassity Hassidy's body were nowhere to be found.
Guess she'd flew the coop. Until something happens to her, we'll never know!!
Chapter Four: August 6th, 2022
After a few days when Ian was trying to recover from his crazy sickness infection---ness, Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts were once again stumbled upon getting another night guard job!! But once again it was in the middle of high school's gym again. SERIOUSLY AND LITERALLY!!! Their newest phone guy partner named "Nuck Patablow", male, age 137, had wanted someone or some PEOPLE to watch over the high school once more. And we'd mean Ian's high school.
The way how Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts had stumbled across this job was of course from a FREAKING NEWSPAPER!!! But at least it was something original and interesting for Justun and his other friends to workout more and better than never before!! For almost like the past years from 2017, to 2018, to 2019, to 2020, to 2021, to 2022, which is like 6 years from now, Justun and the others were getting too much to handle with all of Ian's creations and everything.
Justun and the others were also still recovering from those past events back in the summer. Although Lord High School didn't really do anything all that much, all the other parody and fantasy creatures had made way too much destruction for Justun and his friends to handle. Ian Neill included!! Also, don't worry about the Newspaper thing and the things about Ian Neill. We'll get to those things later on.
Chapter Five: The Past Summer Freaks
Besides Blitzo and his now married wife Faybelle Thorn, the first one was Flamzer!! Flamzer was WAY too dangerous for Justun to handle with. He had literally engulfed everything into hot flames of fire!! The district park took FOREVER to put out all of that mess from that fat black dragon!! Then there was his wife, "Parker Heiste"!! Also known as, Cassidy Heiste's long lost sister!! (Well, one of them at the very least). Parker had really didn't get along with any of the Junior Leaders. Including Ian and his new friend Megan. Ian's other friend Zharra was the worst.
Both Zharra and Parker Heiste had not been so well together. Parker was keep on telling Zharra to do chores for her, she always to tell Zharra to make her food, and she'll always kept on calling Zharra from her phone left to right. Then there's "Clawsmo" and "Anti-Clawsdmo"!!!! Both of those flying creatures with wands had done so much carnage all over the place. Even all over Pearlridge Mall as well!! Just don't get me started on them wishing for big BUTTS or what not. It is such a pain in the ass to talk about. Speaking of which, then there's the Wubboxes!! Past, Present, Future, Hisstory, and Holidayz!! I think that's how you say their names.
Anyways, Past and Future were showing off too many info. about people's past and future moments. Everyone around them were just having nightmares of them. As for Present, The Epic Wubbox from Plant Island was the worst one above all the others. I think we all know what he was doing during the summer of 2022.
As for both Hisstory, and Holidayz and the Epic Wubboxes from both Cold and Air Island were a different story to tell. Not much has said about them. But as for Sawdie though, it was longer story. Sawdie was one of Ian's first ever animatronics that he'd created back in 2021 on this website called!!! She would always tell her peers or the Junior leaders to do so many errands for her all over the district park. Her animatronical friends were right about it. The Junior leaders though, not so much.
Even all the other animatronical characters weren't being so good to them Junior leaders. Like Ozzie Ostrich, Mr. Creation, Button Eyed Freak, The Great Acephalous (also known as The Headless Goofy), Mr. Hourglass, The Banana Splits, and many more!!!
Oh, let's not forget about Mr. Redman and his dealer friend "Mr. Dealer". Those two were 100 times more worse than the other robotical figures!! There was also both Happy and Victoria from that mixed thing. But information for those two flying creatures are currently unknown. Asides things about slamming through windows and breaking them.
Chapter Six: The Worst Summer Freaks Yet!!!
Then there was the worse group of adoptable creatures of all time!! There names were Reappa, Meatley, Mr. Boss Dragon, Zapp Lick, Zombraw Zaenna (Zombraw Z. W. T.), Anti-Blaize (Blaisser), Anti-Roxxie (Ronnie), and V!!!!! Those Adopted and Corrupted children were the worst ones of all time!!! But for V, yes that's her name!! Don't ask why!! V was definitely the definition of BAD and EVIL!! With her showing off her beautiful legs, everyone would always make a number three wherever they go. DO NOT ASK ABOUT THAT!! PLEASE!??!!
Anyways, getting tired of saying that single word by the way, the other adopted corrupted kids were a bit more different than V. Besides for both Reappa and Meatley, Mr. Boss Dragon had always make people buy his own things, and he'll also sneak into other people's homes as well. Both Zapp Lick and Zombraw's ones. Well, NAH!! There stories are private to tell. Apart about them having so much chaos and sex with their own selves!!
There was also another worst couple!!! The main antagonists from the GTA V universe!!! We have no idea what their names were. But we'll say this that there the worst ones ever!! But as for the next ones, they're all a longer story to tell!!
Chapter Seven: Evil Within More Summer Nights
The cloud keepers were easy to understand more!!! Pissing a lot under people's noses, singing way to loud and way to much and also looking down at everyone if they're all making trouble or NOT!!! Mr. Sirenhead was the worst one yet!!! He'll never stop talking, and he'll NEVER pause from having eye onto everyone. Especially on the Junior leaders as well!! Those cloudy clowns will never stop coming out of nowhere!! Including for our next one!! Mr. Reaper Leviathan could NEVER stop popping left and right all over the place. He'll stop popping out of nowhere!!
Then there's all the psychopaths from the Dead Rising worlds!! Don't ask how they were during the summer of 2022!! They were just way too much to handle with!! Witch then concludes to our next monsters on our list!! The other Alien Monster-noids!!!
Those creatures were by far the most offensive and most destructive people upon all the other monsters that they'd against upon during the summer of 2022!! Factor couldn't stop throwing up sand in his mouth, Sabine and her Ribbin Goblin friend weren't acting so nice in front of their OG fans, Zist-guy also known as both Zist and Gi were just couldn't stop changing into many random objects and Ben Bad One (BBO) and his wife Mileena would not stop going on stupid and disgusting dates!!!
Both Jinx and and Harley Quinn, also known as both Judas Jeuda and Mireara Judas Jeuda were the worst couple by far!! Way before Cassidy Hassidy, both of those crazy chicks could use their powers onto anything and/or anyone NON-STOP!! To thrusting, to dancing, and towards many other mishaps from attacking with their mirror dimensions!!
But as for today's story for the rest of it, things will change for the better. August 6th, 2022, was the day when Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts had decided to get the job as night guards. Also known as Security Guard Keepers!!! The how they found this job was from a newspaper!! It has said the following things about this originality job.
Chapter Eight: News Reports from Some Random and Interesting Newspaper!!!
Help Wanted: Grand Reopening Towards "Jax Justun Studios Museum of Attractional History"!!!
After almost like SIX years of living upon many parody creations, our people from "Hex-Turnal Attraction Entertainment" had decided to gain bonds with Jax Justun Studios Inc. to bring back our positive moments with our monsters at hand!!! Now on display on August 7th, 2022 to May 13th, 2023, come see our oldest to newest monsters on display that were dated back from the original locations from these horrible monster-ton robotic figures!! With our old ones now branded or rebranded with our newer ones, we'll make millions of profits our of these things!!!
Nuck Patablow would also hired new and improved Security Guard Keepers for keeping eyes on these monster figures if they wonder around the high school. But to make things more clearer to understand all of this. We're all having complaints about our displaying pieces. We had theories that some the original and oldest mascots had a few backlashes back at the original museum location that went down back in May of 2019!!
We'd also had sayings that the new ones that similar things, but more worse!! But that'll never happened again right? Anyways, all of our new displays are now being kept into different locations. The 1st one are the oldest mascots of Jax Justun Studios!! Which their location at the high school's gym is called "The Mascot Monsters of Jax Justum Studios"!!
That's where all of the mascot figures are be kept in that are the following here:
Mr. Glumpty Plant
Mr. and Lord Vaccum
Ridley (Riddley)
However, we couldn't fit all the others in there. So we made some more places for those little rascals. Like Mr. Bluesaur inside of his stage room in high school's cafe room, Mr. Sewing Machine, Mr. Stapular, and Mr. Cheffinton (Sheffinton) inside in the cooking classroom, Mr. Lazynose (Lazyhose) and the The Crayola Brothers in the high school's Library and Mr. Saxaphone, Mr. Croc. Top, and Georyg in parking lot. Actually, Mr. Saxaphone is located in the music classroom, Mr. Croc. Top is located in the Parking lot under the gym, and Georyg is located in new workout room!! As for the other Legacy characters, we put them into some horrible locations. Sannnd Clock is located outside in the tennis and basketball quarts area and Mr. Shadowface is located in the theater classroom right to Mr. Sexxaphone's area.
There was another character that we called him "Mr. Pineconetree", but we decided to scrapped him for good. We did left him in a box in the playground area so, don't bother playing with him. As for Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck's location, it's a long story. We just kept him underground inside of a underground sewage system. We have no clue about that duck bur as we can that Mr. Big Doom "D" Duck is in a better place now!!
Chapter Nine: News Reports from Some Random and Interesting Newspaper!!! Part Two!!!
Speaking of which, we then have Smudger, Reuben the Pig, Mr. Eyesaur, and this Unknown Grey Dude outside in the high school field stadium. Not the one that's right next to the district park, but the one right next to the gym. Lord Ender Drgaon's or (LED's) location is more unstable. Speaking of which, LED's model figure was acting a bit strange lately. So we kept him inside of ceiling gate or box right next to that yellow trashing bin. But at least Mr. Direction, Lord Admin, and Lord MC Dungeons's locations are better. We kept Mr. Direction inside of that green crate bin thing outside of the high school field stadium, and Lord Admin was also kept into where Mr. Bluesaur was being kept in. But Lord Admin was located in a secret hidden backroom inside of the back of the cafe. We don't know where Lord MC Dungeons's being kept in. But we'll know overtime!!
Then we have the new ones that were made in the summer of 2022!!! We the Adopted Corrupted Figures in the health classroom. Mr. Boss Dragon, Meatley, Zapp Lick, Zombraw Zaenna, and Reappa. Unfortunately, the last three are in a different place right now. Multiple actually. Anti-Blaize (Blaisser) and Anti-Roxxie (Ronnie) are located in another hidden storage room right next to the health classroom and V on the other hand in a back storage room on the other side of the health classroom. Huggy Wuggy and Mommy Long Legs are both located outside in the middle of the gym and cafe!!
As for the rest of other monster figures, they're all located in other places. Not only from the high school itself, but also the Pearlridge mall, Moanalua High School, Moanalua Middle school (I think), the Honolulu Zoo, the Waikiki Aquarium, Sea Life Park, and other places as well. However there was one that remain inside of the high school. the MAIN high school actually.
Actually there was two!! One that's unknown and nowhere to be found or seen and one that has remained there since 2018. It has said to be dead and left to rot in there. But it'll be eventually become a full attraction once more!! Anyways, if interest from having this job, please call (908) 959-000-79098!! That's all for now!!! TAKE CARE!!!
So on August 7th, 2022, Justun the his other friends had decided to call up Nuck Patablow and tell him that they wanted the job. So that was it they were hired!!! Or so they thought, our story also takes place during the mornings before Justun's and his friend's night shifts had to begun!!!
Chapter Ten: The Student who'd Cried Wolf!! Or to just have everyone else to do the JOB for him!!!
3rd Part of Story Typed: 06/26/2023 - 06/27/2023
Meanwhile during the mornings, Ian Neill or Ian the Wolf has FINALLY be recovered from his sickness infection. Or so he thought. Unfortunately, he was still recovering from the horror mess that he had witness during the summertime of 2022. And it was Monday, August 8th, 2022, and Ian was hearing on the news that Maylssa The Dragonfly, or Maylssa Heiste, Parker's older sister had sadly told everyone about the things that had happened a few months ago this year of 2022.
All of other parody and Imaginate friends wanted his help!! But he couldn't accept his fate and life towards it!! Even after a rough start in his senior year and a crazy Junior year, he was NOT up towards this challenge.
His other imaginated friends had also declined this challenge. Like Lani-loli, Mr. Squidward (Bessta), Matiawnna the Guitar, Mayday, Eve, and including Coco Bandicoot. However Ian told everyone that he was speaking towards Moxxie from a message from his scroll thing and he said this to everyone!!
Chapter Eleven: New Friends Collide!!!
Ian told his summer fun friends that they'd done a great job with him. But he also said that it was time for new friends to join these kinds of battles. Not only that, Ian also wanted to finish up his SENIOR YEAR on a high note because he doesn't want to end up in dark paths like he had did during his JUNIOR YEAR!!! His 9th and 10th grade year included!!!
While that was happening, Jax Justun, Jax Marble, Mowey Drew, and Merry Bratts are now in trouble from all of things that they need to do like the last and final straw!! Or multiple for that matter. Speaking of which, while that was also happening, Ian Neill was still trying his best to finished up his last two years at high school for the last time. But he's still trying his best to not look at the past things that he'd witness while he was at the Teen Program. He was also still thinking about his best friend Zharra!!! Although he didn't known her all that much during her past 3 grade years at Aiea High School, he still always said to himself that she's also the best friend ever!!!
Ever since he'd join the Teen Program back in the summer of 2022, he had also seen a familiar face. That was Zharra. Since then, both of them had become closer friends and made a friendship in a positive way with each other. He'd even made a card for her. However, Ian was still trying his best to recover about the things that he'd said in front of his imaginated friends. This is also happening towards Justun and his friends as well.
Chapter Twelve: Final Response!!!
With now all of that stuff asided, it's now up to you to help Jax Justun and his other work friends to survive each night at 12:00AM all the way until 7:00AM!! However things or should I say hours would probably changed overtime!! Even some missions would also appear for you to complete as well.
You'll also help Ian Neill as well to help him to understand why he needs to finished up his final high school years in positive ways. You'll even control more people, discover more secrets, and reveal towards everyone of who was this Cassidy Heiste dude. Well, how hard can that be? Well, more things and newer discoveries would only tell by then!!! You'll might also go back in time too see how everything was being evolved overtime. Like deaths, actions, backstories, and/or even other untold stories, lores, secrets, or just anything else in general, originality, and stuff. Well then, let's get this party started!! #SHALLWE!!!! #other #action #horror #fangame #fnaf #adventure #rpg #platformer #roguelike #survival #pointnclick #puzzle #shooter #sports #strategy #textadventure #altgame #fnf #scifi
-----------------------------------END OF STORY--------------------------------
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Graphic Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor