The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy

11 months ago

Well guys, we did it!!! We made it towards the #1200thGameJoltPost here on GameJolt!!! Which was officially created back on this day, on March 6th, 2024!!!!!!!!!

So yeah guys, this is the #1200thGameJoltPost that's based on the List of all Parody Characters and Parody Cameo Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!! And of course, as always, this post here will of course, have it's future updates/changes overtime!!! It'll also be the pinned post that'll be connected to this game right here known as "The Return to Jax Justun's 4: Hechology Technolegy"!!!! So yeah guys, enjoy your guy's stays as always and have a wonderful day!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!!!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!!!! #ThisIsHechologyTechnolegy!!!!!!!!!!!


The List of ALL Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Haxx Hustun Studios Inc. (Since 1919)


Series One (June of 2024): SIXTEEN

Parody Characters: NINE

  1. HHS PC #1 - Chess Greece - (Created on: March 1st, 2024)

  2. HHS PC #2 - Deathf Fun Snake “DeathfSnake” - (Created on: March 6th, 2024)

  3. HHS PC #3 - Veggiee Spreyer (Lillolla Spreyer’s Sister) “Veggey Heggey” - (Created on: March 23rd to 24th of 2024)

  4. HHS PC #4 - Gharkbaitte - (Created on: March 26th, 2024)

  5. HHS PC #5 - Ghosty Host (AKA: GH-Bon2) - (Created on: March 19th, 2024)

  6. HHS PC #6 - Mr. Dynamtapus - (Created on: February 25th, 2024 - March 6th, 2024)

  7. HHS PC #7 - Nudbbal “Nudbally D. Citerein” The Red Female One - (Created on: March 22nd, 2024)

  8. HHS PC #8 - Nudbbal ll “Nudbally Ceelee Citerein” The Blue Male One - (Created on: March 22nd, 2024)

  9. HHS PC #9 - Wagonlley (AKA: The Wagon Pet) - (Created on: March 19th, 2024)

Recalled Parody Characters (The Napature Science Cores): THREE

  1. Napature Science Core #1 - Zeatley Havengence

  2. Napature Science Core #2 - MaNeattley Havengence

  3. Napature Science Core #3 - Zalleatly Havengence

Parody Cameo Characters: EIGHT

  1. HHS PCC #1 - Caine - (From The Amazing Digital Circus)

  2. HHS PCC #2 - Bubble - (From The Amazing Digital Circus)

  3. HHS PCC #3 - Zooble “Zooble Rando” - (From The Amazing Digital Circus)

  4. HHS PCC #4 - Desti - (From the SMG4 Universe Series)

  5. HHS PCC #5 - The Box Club Leader "Mr. TCBL (Mr. The Club Box Leader)" - (From the SMG4 Universe Series April 2nd, 2022)

  6. HHS PCC #6 - Tari - (From Meta Runner) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  7. HHS PCC #7 - Prince Krel Tarron - (From Netflix's DreamWorks 3Below: Tales of Arcadia December 21st, 2018)

  8. HHS PCC #8 - Zedd Lighting Ender Dragon (ZLED) - Lighting Dragon


Full List Counts for ALL PC and PCC of Haxx Hustun Studios from Series One (June of 2024) Only!!!!!:

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios: NINE)

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios that were Recalled (The Napature Science Cores): THREE)

(Full Total of Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios: EIGHT)

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots, Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots, and Recalled Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios in ALL: 20)

Series Two (June of 2024 STILL):

Parody Characters: TWELVE

  1. HHS PC #10 - Fwrog Sttroke - (Created on: March 23rd, 2024)

  2. HHS PC #11 - Vlawd-Viarus - (Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day")

  3. HHS PC #12 - Nister Stop-An-Pop - (Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day")

  4. HHS PC #13 - Mr. Getlalickingrish - (Created on: March 30th, 2024)

  5. HHS PC #14 - Of-Vaw-Dozen "Therrance" - (Created on: March 27th to 28th of 2024)

  6. HHS PC #15 - Volloxibox Vlox - (Created on: April 28th, 2024)

  7. HHS PC #16 - Pink Zightling (AKA: The Pink Motorcrosser 81-Thousand) - (Created on: April 30th, 2024)

  8. HHS PC #17 - Awww Daa Imposter (AKA: A-Di) - (Created on: April 3rd, 2024)

  9. HHS PC #18 - Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp” (AKA: The 12th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: April 29th, 2024)

  10. HHS PC #19 - Lord Joxxerbux - (Created on: April 13th, 2024)

  11. HHS PC #20 - Sir I’ll Say Peigg "Eyellsay Peigg Bird" - (Created on: April 25th, 2024)

  12. HHS PC #21 - Nelephinnt - (Created on: April 4th, 2024)

Recalled Parody Characters: SEVEN

  1. Recalled HHS PC #1 - Drishing "Drish" - (Created on: March 29th, 2024)

  2. Recalled HHS PC #2 (HHS PC #11) - Vlawd-Viarus (Recalled Originally on: May 17th, 2024) - (Created on: March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day")

  3. Recalled HHS PC #3 - Table-La-Labble (AKA: The Tabble Labbler Pet) - (Created on: April 5th, 2024)

  4. Recalled HHS PC #4 - Wolff-Lamp (Recalled Originally on: May 17th, 2024) - (Created on: April 25th, 2024)

  5. Recalled HHS PC #5 - Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or "DooseEye BirdMcCaw" - (Created on: May 2nd, 2024)

  6. Mettichal Differgulties - (Discontinued!!!)

  7. Telebvision Mellavissun - (Discontinued!!!)

Parody Cameo Characters (AKA: The Pro-Techtors of "Hechology Technolegy" or the "HT Band Members") Only: EIGHT

  1. HT Band Member #1 - Mr. Corallus - (From the Advent of Ascension "Nevermine" Minecraft Mod) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  2. HT Band Member #2 - Evil Alita B.A. “Evilalita The Battle Agirl” - HanvDwanda Jeuda - (From Alita Battle Angel 2019???) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC/PC of Jax Justun Studios and Draxx Dustun Studios**

  3. HT Band Member #3 - Springtrap - (From FNAF 3 (Five Nights at Freddy’s 3) March 2nd, 2015) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  4. HT Band Member #4 - Strawberry Short Heiste - (Meebkin From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Workshop Island) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  5. HT Band Member #5 - CatNap - (From Poppy Playtime - Chapter Three: DEEP SLEEP January 30th, 2024) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  6. HT Band Member #6 - Dark Squid - (From the Splatoon Fan-Verse) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  7. HT Band Member #7 - Soxx Heiste - (Sox From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Island)

  8. HT Band Member #8 - Crystal The Octoling - (From the Splatoon Fan-Verse) (AKA: Crystal-Ling Strikershows)

Parody Cameo Characters: SEVENTEEN

  1. HHS PCC #9 - SMG0 - (From the SMG4 Universe Series April 2nd, 2022)

  2. HHS PCC #10 - Niles - (From the SMG4 Universe Series April 2nd, 2022)

  3. HHS PCC #11 - Theo - (From Meta Runner)

  4. HHS PCC #12 - Scary Girl - (From the Total Drama Island Reboot Series)

  5. HHS PCC #13 - The Were-Rabbit - (From Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit)

  6. HHS PCC #14 - Oneshot Wren - (From the SMG4 Universe Series July 8th, 2023)

  7. HHS PCC #15 - Francis - (From the SMG4 Universe Series June 6th, 2019)

  8. HHS PCC #16 - Baharreya May Hem Heiste (AKA: "Sarreena Heiste") - (Vhamp “Adult Variant” From My Singing Monsters on Celestial Island)

  9. Mr. Bakugan (AKA: Sellversheene) - Bakugawnia Narrmungainmia **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios** - (Discontinued & Removed!!!)

  10. Lord Bakugan (AKA: Forevernorse) - Haukkupawnenfaj Narrmungainmia **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios** - (Discontinued & Removed!!!)

  11. HHS PCC #17 Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" - From Splatoon 3

  12. HHS PCC #18 - Meggy Spletzer - From The SMG4 & Splatoon Universe **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  13. HHS PCC #19 - Syringeon - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  14. HHS PCC #20 - Mizza Zeeaction Sunlight Ender Dragon (MZSED) - Sunlight Dragon

  15. HHS PCC #21 - Harmawn Arshgga Marroun Zombie Ender Dragon (HAMZED) - Zombie Dragon

  16. HHS PCC #22 - Evelyn Claythorne - From Meta Runner

  17. HHS PCC #23 - Enchant Ender Dragon (EED or ED) - Enchant Dragon


Full List Counts for ALL PC and PCC of Haxx Hustun Studios from Series Two (June of 2024 "STILL!!!") Only!!!!!:

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios: TWELVE)

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios that were Recalled: SEVEN)

(Full Total of Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios AKA: The Pro-Techtors of "Hechology Technolegy": EIGHT)

(Full Total of Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios: FIFTEEN **Originally SEVENTEEN**)

(Full Total of Parody Characters/Mascots, Parody Cameo Characters/Mascots, and Recalled Parody Characters/Mascots of Haxx Hustun Studios in ALL: 42 **Originally 44**)

Series Three (June of 2024 STILL):

Parody Characters:

  1. HHS PC #22 - Bechnology (MALE) - Bechnology-2000 -

  2. HHS PC #23 - Hecholagy (FEMALE) - Hecholagy-3000 -

  3. HHS PC #24 - TecNoloogey (MALE) - TecNoloogey-4000 -

  4. Napature Science Core #4 - TeatTalley Havengence -

  5. HHS PC #25 - Misstaner Stop-An-Pop -

  6. HHS PC #26 - Grunntraction -

  7. HHS PC #27 - Balloon Gropp - (Created on: Sept. 5th, 2024)

  8. HHS PC #28 - Mangled (AKA: Tangled's Brother) - (Created on: August 17th, 2024)

Recalled Parody Characters:

  1. Recalled HHS PC #6 - Zeathe "Zhetth" - (Created on: June 20th, 2024)

  2. Recalled HHS PC #7 - Mrs. VearnaulkFly - (Created on: July 21st, 2024)

  3. Recalled HHS PC #8 - Cheerly The CheerLeader/Sherlley Chear Starr "Cheerley V" & "Blrveggey C. Spreyer" - (Version One Created on: July 26th, 2024) - (Version Two Created on: )

  4. Recalled HHS PC #9 - Bowlley Pinsterr - (Created on: June 9th to 10th of 2024)

  5. Recalled HHS PC #10 - ShippyWreckey CoveryWovery "Shippey Wreckey" - (Created on: July 25th, 2024)

  6. Recalled HHS PC #11 - Savarllet Sprinner - (Created on: July 24th, 2024)

  7. Recalled HHS PC #12 - TreasureShavpus -

  8. Recalled HHS PC #13 - GritterGriggle & FritterJinggle "Mr. & Mrs. GG Frindded Jingle" - (Created on: Aug. 16th, 2024)

  9. Recalled HHS PC #14 - Lord Gruggle The Wardened Creeper -

The Evil Cloud Keepers of Haxx Hustun Studios:

  1. Mr. Vampire Bust “The Robo Vamp” (AKA: The 12th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: April 29th, 2024)

  2. Clevlerrt Fevert "The Gresbian LiquidGloss" (AKA: The 13th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  3. Mrs. Angell Jeeper "Vezzbee Spreyer" (AKA: The Evil 14th Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  4. BrownCook DrHeavey (AKA: The 11th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  5. Spaghetti-Nado (AKA: The 10th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  6. Mr. Nelecawpter (AKA: The 15th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  7. Lord Nelecawpter (AKA: The 16th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  8. Mr. Crop Cawr (AKA: The 17th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  9. Lillolla Spreyer (AKA: The 18th Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  10. Mrs. Sirenhead "The Great Mother Megaphone" (AKA: The 20th Evil Cloud Keeper) - From Trevor Henderson's Creepypasta Series

  11. Mr. T "The" Fudge (AKA: The 19th Evil Cloud Keeper) - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  12. GlitchnawFyyer Vinenuss (AKA: The 21st Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

  13. Mrs. Sir Soupkapuss (AKA: The 23rd Evil Cloud Keeper) - (Created on: )

Parody Cameo Characters:

  1. HHS PCC #24 - Clauds - From the Splatoon Universe

  2. HHS PCC #25 - Terence - From The Angry Birds Movie 1

  3. HHS PCC #26 - Jax - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  4. HHS PCC #27 - Queen Maeve - From The Boys

  5. HHS PCC #28 - The Projectionist "The Projector Dude" - From Bendy and The Ink Machine

  6. HHS PCC #29 - SMG4 - From The SMG4 Universe

  7. HHS PCC #30 - SMG3 - From The SMG4 Universe

  8. HHS PCC #31 - Pomni - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  9. HHS PCC #32 - OctoCoop "Coop" - From the Splatoon Fan-Verse

  10. HHS PCC #33 - Veemy - From the Splatoon Fan-Verse

  11. HHS PCC #34 - Kenny The Shark - From Kenny The Shark

  12. HHS PCC #35 - Ragatha - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  13. HHS PCC #36 - Gangle - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  14. HHS PCC #37 - Bittergiggle "Bittergiggles" - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  15. HHS PCC #38 - Kinger - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  16. HHS PCC #39 - Beccala Moonlight Ender Dragon (BMED) - Moonlight Dragon


Series Three (Part Two) - (June of 2024 STILL):

Parody Characters:

  1. HHS PC #29 - Noppyright Striycka - (Created on: July 25th, 2024)

  2. HHS PC #30 - Mawusuit - (Created on: September 14th, 2024)

  3. HHS PC #31 - Jillolagee Calapilloor - (Created on: September 14th, 2024)

  4. HHS PC #32 - Zuggley Buggy - (Created on: Sept. 13th, 2024 "Friday the 13th" - Sept. 14th, 2024)

  5. HHS PC #33 - Nuisstric Maisgrisirtron "Nuissic Mietsster" -

  6. HHS PC #34 - Zlrink Vlightling (AKA: The Zlrink Motorcrosser 82-Thousand) -

  7. HHS PC #35 - Hamagician Jommastion -

  8. HHS PC #36 - Mr. Frilmaker Pro-Grooser -

  9. HHS PC #37 - Jangaroo Brack - (Created on: July 24th, 2024)

  10. HHS PC #38 - Gross Fraud-Cookie - (Created on: September 29th, 2024)

  11. HHS PC #39 - Football Grungled "FG" - (Created on: October 17th, 2024)

Recalled Parody Characters:

  1. Recalled HHS PC #15 - Mayor Dayeor - (Created on: September 28th, 2024)

  2. Recalled HHS PC #16 - SantraKriller - (Created on: October 3rd, 2024)

  3. Recalled HHS PC #17 - Handledd (AKA: Tangled's Father) - (Created on: September 29th, 2024)

  4. Recalled HHS PC #18 - Stausha P. Vreeper "Pinked Human-One" -

  5. Recalled HHS PC #19 - Junntin Fintin "JunFin" L. B. Vreeper "Light-Blued Human-One" -

  6. Recalled HHS PC #20 - Stranngled (AKA: Tangled's Mother) -

  7. Recalled HHS PC #21 - Dentristteey - (Created on: October 5th, 2024)

  8. Recalled HHS PC #22 - Melvet Strinkler -

  9. Recalled HHS PC #23 - Tigreer Hungger -

The HHS Parody Nanimal Friends:

  1. HHS NF #1 - Cammel Hammall -

  2. HHS NF #2 - Officer Sherrif PrinkBrare -

  3. HHS NF #3 - Jerryley Freak -

  4. HHS NF #4 - Geraff Cuello -

  5. HHS NF #5 - Delicate Pelican -

  6. HHS NF #6 - DreekMaan **Giant golden-crowned flying fox** -

  7. HHS NF #7 - Bruffalow Guffalone -

The Napature Nelper Pals:

  1. Flrentty -

  2. Drentey-Port -

  3. Cindey Jringeey -

Parody Cameo Characters:

  1. HHS PCC #40 - Callie - From Splatoon 1, 2, & 3

  2. HHS PCC #41 - Inkura - From the Splatoon Universe

  3. HHS PCC #42 - Violet Vamp - From the Splatoon Universe

  4. HHS PCC #43 - Juliet Starling - From Lollipop Chainsaw

  5. HHS PCC #44 - Cordelia Starling - From Lollipop Chainsaw

  6. HHS PCC #45 - Rosalind Starling - From Lollipop Chainsaw

  7. HHS PCC #46 - Nick Carlyle - From Lollipop Chainsaw

  8. HHS PCC #47 - Nuddtarrinus Terra Ender Dragon (NTED) - Terra Dragon

  9. HHS PCC #48 - Mostley Ghostley (MG) - The Ghost-like Dragon (Ghost Ender Dragon V-2.0)

  10. HHS PCC #49 - Teegra Enffa Taiga Forest Ender Dragon (TETFEED) - Taiga Forest Dragon

  11. HHS PCC #50 - Rezorfesses Atmosphere Ender Dragon (RAED) - Atmosphere Dragon

  12. HHS PCC #51 - Jumbo Josh - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**


Series Four - (July of 2024):

Parody Characters:

  1. HHS PC #40 - Nun-Vawn-Dozen "Gherrance" -

  2. HHS PC #41 - FeeLeef -

  3. HHS PC #42 - Mr. Doors Smorres -

  4. HHS PC #43 - Lord Doors Smorres -

  5. HHS PC #44 - Color Sperffz -

  6. HHS PC #45 - Peahawkke Kwuee "Peakhawke" -

  7. HHS PC #46 - Dolphrinn Hwaill Kaptaine -

  8. HHS PC #47 - Flamer-Hawke "Flame Hawkk" -

Recalled Parody Characters:

  1. Recalled HHS PC #24 - The Chompling Beddy ByeBye Plant "Mr. Planty ByeBye", "Mrs. Beddey ByeBye", and "Lord Plenty ByeBye" (AKA: The Plantbetty Byelie Siblings) -

  2. Recalled HHS PC #25 - Hombster Clawster -

  3. Recalled HHS PC #26 - X-Tray Beelay -

  4. Recalled HHS PC #27 - Terribble Feette -

  5. Recalled HHS PC #28 - Mrs. WaterSpirszz "Water Spirszz Wizard The Greater Great" -

  6. Recalled HHS PC #29 - Dopplet Likezhott -

  7. Recalled HHS PC #30 - Nassive Dreadhot Dragon -

  8. Recalled HHS PC #31 - Snaill Daile -

Parody Cameo Characters:

  1. HHS PCC #52 - Gummigoo - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  2. HHS PCC #53 - Spike "Foreman Spike" - From The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)

  3. HHS PCC #54 - Douxie Casperan - (From Netflix's DreamWorks Wizards: Tales of Arcadia August 7th, 2020)

  4. HHS PCC #55 - Sheriff Toadster - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  5. HHS PCC #56 - BanBan (Croopa/Uthman) - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  6. HHS PCC #57 "Original" - Valentine Adelia "Valen" - From the Splatoon Universe

  7. HHS PCC #57 - Berry Mitchels "Berry" - From the Splatoon Universe

  8. HHS PCC #58 - Madeline Clemente "Madeline" - From the Splatoon Universe

  9. HHS PCC #59 - Stinger Flynn - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  10. HHS PCC #60 - Thrumble Brixcksttion "Roachmice Ratfleedille Ribbin Goblin" - (Thrumble (MALE) From My Singing Monsters on Bone Island and Amber Island) **Also Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  11. HHS PCC #61 - Banbaleena - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  12. HHS PCC #62 - Princess Loolilalu - From The Amazing Digital Circus

  13. HHS PCC #63 - Queen Bouncelia - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  14. HHS PCC #64 - Tamataki & Chamataki - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  15. HHS PCC #65 - Sir Dadadoo - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  16. HHS PCC #66 - Smoother The Masked Engine "Smoother" - From the FNAF Fan-Made Series called "Five Nights at Smudger's"

  17. HHS PCC #67 - Kittysaurus - From Garten of BanBan **Originally Part of Line-Up of PCC of Jax Justun Studios**

  18. HHS PCC #67.1 - Glitz - From Helluva Boss

  19. HHS PCC #68 - Glam - From Helluva Boss

  20. HHS PCC #69 - Mammom - From Helluva Boss

  21. HHS PCC #70 - Adam The Angel Leader "Adam" - From Hazbin Hotel

  22. HHS PCC #71 - Lute The Exorcist "Lute" - From Hazbin Hotel

  23. HHS PCC #72 - Zestial - From Hazbin Hotel

  24. HHS PCC #73 - Shawnta Promontezz Skeleton Ender Dragon (SPSEZD) - Skeleton Dragon

  25. HHS PCC #74 - Lord Nender Storm Ender Dragon (SLOROID) - Storm Dragon (Male Variant)

  26. HHS PCC #75 - Mrs. Queen Ur-Ghast (Mrs. QUG) "The Ur-Ghast Queen" - From The Twilight Forest Mod From Minecraft

  27. HHS PCC #76 - Lord Wither (The Commander of The Nevermine World) "The Nethengeic Wither" - From the Advent of Ascension "Nevermine" Minecraft Mod

  28. HHS PCC #77 - Mr. Twilight Licher (MTL) "The Twilight Lich" - From The Twilight Forest Mod From Minecraft

  29. HHS PCC #78 - King Twilight Forest Hydra (KTFH) "The Twilight Forest Hydra Boss" - From The Twilight Forest Mod From Minecraft

  30. HHS PCC #79 - Mr. Naga TF Snake (MNS) "The Naga Snake TF Boss" - From The Twilight Forest Mod From Minecraft

  31. HHS PCC #80 - Sculkey Edrafd Dclokkeey (SED II “The Second”) - The Warden Sculk Ender Dragon Titain

The Family Members of Mayor Dayeor:

  1. FMofMD #1 - Greenalyn Brimmabakruroo FEMALE -

  2. FMofMD #2 - Dossawlin Brimmabakruroo FEMALE -

  3. FMofMD #3 - Dreeyain Brimmabakruroo FEMALE -

  4. FMofMD #4 - Vaw-Szu Clayyer FEMALE -

  5. FMofMD #5 - Krustgrew Clayyer FEMALE -

  6. FMofMD #6 - Flungga Clayyer MALE -

  7. FMofMD #7 - Black SpotLock (The MD Dawg Dog) -

The HHS Parody Nanimal Friends (Series Two):

  1. HHS NF #8 - Xzielock **The Python Corned-Anilius Snake** -

  2. HHS NF #9 - Trained Zained "TrainZationed" -

  3. HHS NF #10 - Wooded Wood Drerector -

  4. HHS NF #11 - NelectricMeel NeeEel -

  5. HHS NF #12 - Sealed Bend "Sinked Bendee" -

The Ware Laire R. Wublins of HHS & NS:

(Incoming Soon!!!!)

The Adulted Hood Celestrials of Napature Science:

(Incoming Soon!!!!)

The UWP Protectors of Haxx Hustun Studios:

UWP Protector #1 - Karen - From Spongebob Squarepants

UWP Protector #2 - Stone The Crow - From Popgoes

UWP Protector #3 - Squidtentria (Squiddaw) -

UWP Protector #4 - Pexx ZilcWack -

UWP Protector #5 - "The Splatooney Corrupted Core-Ruptor" Drark Sqwide Villatowneey (DSV) -

UWP Protector #6 - Menntriustteey -


Links/Portals too Many Other Official GameJolt Posts!!!!!!

***Official Link to the #1000thGameJoltPost of all Parody Characters & Parody Cameo Characters of Jax Justun Studios Only:***

***Official Link to the Lists/Line-Ups of all Official (FNatJJ's) Five Nights at Jax Justun's Games:***

***Link to the List of Jax Justun Studios Videos:***


Official Links to All Information For All Nights in Each Individual Chapters for #TRtoJJs4HT:

(Official Link For Chapter One of #TRtoJJs4HT:

(Official Link For Chapter Two of #TRtoJJs4HT:

1 comment


Next up

First Teaser For #TheseNatJJs3AC Remastered - (Created on: January 13th, 2025) Hello everybody!!!! It's been a long time since I'd official teasers for my future parody games here folks!!!!! But we're back, and Haxx Hustun Studios had finally.............

Jax Justun Studios Video #50 - (Created on: Jan. 11th, 2025) I can't believe we'd all made it this far folks!!!! #50OfficialJJSvideos from 2024 through today here in 2025!!!!! And now, Haxx Hustun Studios has an amazing video to show you all here!!!!!!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #47 & #48 - VirevadD & Rubbersockz "Epic Wubboxs of Fire Oasis & Fire Island" - Both From My Singing Monsters (MSM) The lack of future parody updates are always created until the late of nights!!!!! Wait a minute here?????

HT Band Members #4 & #7 - Strawberry Short Heiste & Soxx Heiste - (Meebkin & Sox Both From My Singing Monsters on Ethereal Workshop/Island) It's double the fun here with Haxx Hustun Studios you guys!!!! The #4thAnd7th HT Band Members are finally here!!!!!

HT Band Member #2 - Evil Alita B.A. “Evilalita The Battle Agirl” - HanvDwanda Jeuda - (From Alita Battle Angel 2019???) Well guys, everything has to come to and end I guess!!!!!! After nearly a few months now, we've gotten our hands on her, FINALLY!!!!!!!

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Character #17 - Neo Agent 3 "Nieag" (Version #2) - From Splatoon 3 (Created on: Aug. 9th, 2024 - Sept. 15th, 2024) After nearly two months of development, she's finally been created!!!!

Well guys, my eye sockets had finally gave up!!! I'd originally wanted to finish up this official zombie-like parody girl mascot, but of course, not everything can be created from just one day alone here folks!!!!!

HT Band Member #3 - Springtrap - (From FNAF 3 "Five Nights at Freddy's 3") Well FNAF people (also many other comms./realms of SCP and others as well too), the world of parody mascots & parody cameo mascots can be fleeting sometimes!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #42 - Annoying Orange "Orange" - From The Annoying Orange Series YES!!! HE'S FINALLY HERE!!!! Today's January 13th, 2025, and look what DDS has given towards us folks!!!!!!

2024 Recalled HHS Parody Character #5 - Due-Eye-Say “The Doose-Eye Box” or (DooseEye BirdMcCaw) (Created on: May 2nd, 2024) It's been too long now folks!!!! It has been a whole year now since we'd made the last #HHSChroniclesEpisode here!!!!!!