7 years ago

Well it has been a while I know...

I have been between homes for six months and am settling, but that doesn’t mean I have stopped the work on Subworld. in fact I have improved the graphics, game play and the engine as well as the story line, but there is still so much to do. Which is why I am bringing forward Subworld: End Prologue. A prequel game to the main game.


Subwold: End Prologue will be Subworld lite, shorter than the main game but with a at least two to three hours of game play, depending on how fast you decide to rush through it. The principle of the story is the same, only to play the enigmatic Tea Lady trying to piece together what happened to Subworld and her place in it. It will have a “combat” system in it, but it will not be the same as the “Write or Fight” system. Think of it as the work in progress to the “Write or Fight” system, which weaves it’s way into End Prologue and the bigger game that will follow it. and yes, Brussels will make an appearance as well as other familiar and unfamiliar characters.


I predict the game will be released Fall 2018. Sadly there is no news on a Subworld release yet. The game is so big and I am just one man, so it will be out when it’s out I suppose.

Thanks for watching and your patience.




Next up

Combat and the three virtues and vices

Announcement May 5th 2017

First screen shot of test footage for the game Took me a while to get the feel I was looking for in the backgrounds. A lot of trial and error, but here we are. All original work. I hope you like what you see.

Update 28/01/2017

And so the hard work begins

The Real Ending

We now have a forum We want our game to grow and would love your input along side getting to know you. Please sign up and join in the development of Subworld.

Humans relationship to Subworld

Sprite Building

Happy birthday Undertale