Welp, I’m testing the Game jolt app!
Next up
Their name is Olly.......
Nathan is using the Ocarina
*maybe cannon idk
I made Charlie in my art style
Final design for Nathan!
I have been working on the props and characters so much I haven't been able to actually start the game ;-;
For those who don't know, I am making a game named 'MelloHi' This is the main character sprite.
New game Leak! 0>o
Battle engine is done!
I think after I polish up and add NPCs It will be done to be played as a Demo!
Testing some things....
8-BITT Island v1.3 is coming soon!
Battle loading screen
*note this is not the final design
MelloHi's Demo has been released!
Devlogs coming soon!
Gonna make a new fan game.
| Mother 3 Encore |
I am swamped with work for 8-BITT island and MelloHi
If wanting to help, I need help with: