I made Charlie in my art style
Next up
Welp, Iām testing the Game jolt app!
Gonna make a new fan game.
| Mother 3 Encore |
I am swamped with work for 8-BITT island and MelloHi
If wanting to help, I need help with:
MelloHi's Demo has been released!
Devlogs coming soon!
Thanks everyone for believing in Oddventure and supporting us! We've got 213% funded, woohoo! Now it's time to make a great game!
Battle loading screen
*note this is not the final design
We're done with most of formal Kickstarter stuff. Next week KS update: latebacking + surveys +some special translation announcement! š
Testing some things....
8-BITT Island v1.3 is coming soon!
Their name is Olly.......
LAST TWO DAYS! Spread the word, Oddventurers! Tell about Oddventure everyone. Tell your parents. Your neighbours. And their dogs. LET'S REACH 200% STRETCH GOAL! Link to our campaign: https://t.co/j6HNXfyC1I?amp=1
Final design for Nathan!
I have been working on the props and characters so much I haven't been able to actually start the game ;-;
For those who don't know, I am making a game named 'MelloHi' This is the main character sprite.