Cubi The cube REMAKE

3 years ago

What do you think of the sky?


¿Qué te parece el cielo?



Next up

We are back with Cubi El Cubo! Graphical improvements, bug fixes and new levels, I hope you support this return.

(If this project goes well you will probably have good news from Drourus)

(Si apoyáis este proyecto seguramente buenas noticias de Drourus)

New menu, I will try to upload posts more often


Nuevo menú, intentaré subir posts más a menudo

After a long time I bring you the 6 basic magics of the game


Después de mucho tiempo os traigo las 6 magias básicas del juego

This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning! Accept the quest in your quest log to get started.

I'm back and in a few days about this week I'll be releasing the Cubi The Cube beta 2.5 I hope you enjoy it.


Ya estoy de vuelta y en unos días, más o menos esta semana, lanzaré la beta 2.5 de Cubi The Cube, espero que la disfrutéis.

@FatBombStudios is a CCC+ Studio that makes games you love but don't know about!

They're the devs behind the fast paced hide and seek game Light Bearers 2:

We think you SHOULD know about them so complete the quest!

magic, new weapons, new dungeons and other things.


magia, nuevas armas, nuevas mazmorras y otras cosas.

Images of the 4 new levels.

New things are coming, from performance to story mode.


Imágenes de los 4 nuevos niveles.

Llegan novedades, desde el rendimiento hasta el modo historia.

Inayah - Life After Gods is OUT NOW on Steam!

Celebrate the game's release by completing our quests!

You can play the demo or get the full game at