4 years ago

What happened to my channel?

So basically, what you are seeing here is the most depressing thing I have ever seen in my life.

My YouTube channel has fucking died, so let me rephrase some stuff.

So basically, in late-October, my channel suffered two copyright strikes from the creators of Numberblocks for making their characters far too scary for kids, which I understand. This was because of Numberblocks Basics, a FNAF fangame based on Numberblocks which has became way to fucking popular for my channel, and got me two strikes, and later on a third one for copying someone's work without their consent.

Days after, I made the final Numberblocks video to apologise to the creators for ruining their characters, and pretty much just stopped NB content altogether.

15 days later, throughout these stupid fucking kids begging for Numberblocks, YouTube has a nasty surprise waiting for me!

I was randomly logged out of my account for no reason while I was watching random shit from the internet. This may not be as bad despite the fact that I did not get logged out for no reason. No, it was much worse! I got a message from Google when I tried to log back in, and discovered that my channel is no more.

I went to tell many of my pals about it, and they were pretty sad that I lost so much content. Here's all the stuff I lost on that day:

  • Almost 800 videos

  • Almost 64,000 subscribers

  • A 2-hour long movie

  • Many amazing animations

  • A plush series

  • A bunch of nostalgia

  • Videos advertising Project J-0114

  • Videos of me talking about serious stuff.

So yeah, I have no idea what to do now, since I now have no channel to post my amazing content onto now.

Luckily for me, I still have some important videos, still in my files, but...

Numberblocks Basics has killed my channel, and I will never forget the day my channel got terminated. This was so terrible that I have now lost all motivation on JOLLY: Curse of Mikhail and the Final Act.

I guess I might see you guys whenever I get motivated in making JOLLY: CoM again.




Next up

Holy shit!

An issue that shouldn't have ever happened.

Thank you!

im still here...



Learninghorrors 2017 is being made!

Random meme

pinagsama for the arts board (I don't know if this is considered fanart xd)

Man, do I love my fanbase.