Codename Determination
4 years ago

What is coming up for the next major update?

Howdy, everyone. I wanted to discuss what new stuff will be coming for the next major update (version 1.2).

Currently, I am planning on implementing Google Play Services to the Google Play version of the game as majority of the players from that platform seems to be confused with how to authenticate with Game Jolt services. Players who download the game from Game Jolt or will still require a Game Jolt account. This is so players can have a choice to use the Google Play Services or not.

Next up, I am also planning on improving the entire user interface for the game. In my opinion, the current game user interface is bland, boring, and basic. I want to give the user interface a more polished look and look impressive. Therefor, I will be putting more time into the user interface than I normally would. I will still try to keep the user interface simple and intuitive to not confuse users.

Last thing I want to talk about is the upcoming gamemode. I am sure some of you know about the gamemode known as Dust by Daylight as I teased about it a few times. If you don't know what it is, it's Dead by Daylight but with the style of UNDERTALE. I wish I can go further details about this, but at the moment I am unable to as it is still in early in development. You might wonder why there has been no progress shown for this gamemode, it's because I have not been working on it for a while as I have not found the motivation and strength to pursue this game. However, I will still try to finish this update.

Stay determined!

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Next up

Pssst. Here's a thing that is in the works!

I will be switching from a self-hosted server to multiple servers in different regions! Each server will, unfortunately, have spots for 20 players max. Though, there'll be 8 servers available and players worldwide can join a server near them!

日本語のサポートを追加しました! / Added support for Japanese language!

Edit: This language is being experimented with, *may* be removed later / この言語は実験中であり、後に削除される可能性があります。

It had to happen

Great news. Google Play Games is now supported for the next update. However, not every part of the Google Play Games functionalities will be implemented or utilized.

Choose your vessel... Species, first.

Time for a brand new logo lads !


We're sorry if the next demo's been pushed back every now and then. But I assure you, the next build will be rather soon. VERY soon. Stay Determined!

Introducing, the three forms for Humans, and Monsters.

Yes, they're similar to their counterparts.
