[ Underswap ] The Kaboom

1 year ago

What is he looking for...

Gonna try to make stuff for the main san battle animation

Anyways here more parmesan bc animating this is entertaining hi remember to joi



Next up

Look at this single celled organism Isnt he tupid

Sandro got to wash his clothes so he'll use something different from now on

This is a change we've been some time thinking on and since we're a bit silent lately, I post this lowkey thing I did this morning just to announce it a bit, anyways, chicken meow

Dont leave us yet we're not doing the dusttrust cancellations references thing ( we're alive )

As much as I dont like a "core encounter" thing we're doing it anyways

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

[ Parmesan encounter - Some info ]

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

Concept thing for some fell sans thing ill do in the future or smth, soundtrack video specifically, as usual

Sprites by Dendy

Sandro did a little cameo on underevent btw


[ Underswap: KABOOM ] PROGRESS REPORT - 2024 || New Year, new look 🌟