1 month ago

What is SNAPZONE. (read article)

So as you can see, i'm back. I won't lie, i am not intrested in completing my Undertale fangames as of right now. I could release the test builds if you want but that is not what i wanted to talk about.


I love this name ngl lol.

So if this thing wont ever flop, and if it would be ever finished. I would like to continue this since i am really proud of this concept. And cmon it's kinda fun to make games. If you still can't proccess what is this, imagine like Sonic + Fighting. Kinda cool huh? Okay now i can try to expand it: Basicly, it's a fast paced platformer since you are kinda fast (like sonic, i love sonic) and you get some weapons. So like instead of jumping on enemies (that would be stupid, enemies are mostly machines or some weird creatures) you attack them, at the first zones you will use melees until late game where you use guns (so cool). There will be a mechanic of dashing, and homing attacks (homing attacks are in modern sonic games, it's like jumping and then the game aims at an enemy or a jump pad for ex. and if you click the jump button again you like dash into the thing that the game aimed at. To not be too overpowered you will have a stamina bar that just regenerates after some seconds (same thing applies to the dash mechanic). Dash mechanic is pretty much self-explainatory.

I hope this game eventually releases, when it will...


Yes you read that right! Snapzone 1 is gonna be free!

The mainline games will be named with math symbols and numbers (that includes the Greek alphabet) but if there are gonna be any spin-off games, (i actually would really want to do like a super mario maker but snapzone, it would prob be called snapzone studio or smth like that) then they are named with just anything, for ex. Snapzone: Remastered Trilogy. I'm not saying that the trilogy will get remastered but u get the point. And then the prices... Are not gonna be high. I think. It depends you know? I don't know how good theese game will be.

Games that are planned to release in the series:

And now, the games (and dlc's) that are planned to release, if the first game will ever get finished:

  • Snapzone: 1 - Free

  • Snapzone: 1+ (DLC) - Paid

  • Snapzone: Spin Mayhem (A game that is planned for me to just goof out with the physics and make some weird levels) - Free

  • Snapzone 2x - Paid

  • Snapzone 3:1 - Paid

  • Snapzone 4 (This game is planned to be the first 2.5D game) - Paid

  • Snapzone 4+ (DLC) - Paid

  • Snapzone Studio (Level maker) - Free

  • Snapzone 4.5 (A fully 3D game, just an experiment on how good Snapzone would look in full 3D, yes that means this would be an FPS platformer. Crazy right?) - Paid

  • Snapzone Ω (Omega, the last game of the original era, back to 2.5D) - Paid

  • Snapzone -Ω (DLC) - Paird

So yeah, that is what i plan if i will release snapzone. Massive list! (Yes i know what else is massive) I hope this game succeds and i will achive my dream to release a game that would be somewhat popular.

Btw i added a voting if you think the concept is poop or peak, more advanced explanation is in the game description. You can also see the Prologue and Desert Zone Act ? in the older posts!

  3 votes Voting finished

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Next up

Testing something :D

Frisk but it looks kinda goofy

also i added the poll on previous post cuz i forgot to add it before so check it out now

Working on some cool things! The tilesets are temporary since i will prob make my own. (Also i made Last Corridor for fun + to test engine, don't worry this is planned to be a full game.)

Some dialog i came up with for "someone" i can't say much. Also, this isn't sans if someone is wondering.


i don't think it will be the final logo maybe i will work more on that


In memory of my beloved bunny... He died today, Puszek i will always love you <3

Still experimenting with Frisk

Sans Date Hangout Scene test. (read article for... details)

I also made a new sans sprite, what do you think>