i just found this on google..

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Characters (also I made my own renovated puppet but I didn't know how to make it better and "renovated" so it's identically to the original one from fnaf 2.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
REN. Bonnie The... idk.. Rabbit? Anyways.. : I'll play, You dance! let's do the DEATH Dance! REN. Freddy The Fatbear: Who wants a hug?... It won't hurt A Bit... REN. Chica The pizza Lover: Hey Kids! Let's Party! Everyone's invited!... Except the guard...
Bonnie's & Freddy's Evolution
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someone tell me this is not a early image. (or smth like that, you know.. i dont speak much english.. im brazilian actually) tradução pra PT-BR:alguem me fale que esta imagem não é uma imagem antiga. (ahblalbalalblalalbllalblabllaahhblalblsl)
what is this...
i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-
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