Stupid Spee's Fight

1 year ago

What? now the game have traslation for inglish?

Oh yeah



Bueno como sabran el juego solo estaba disponible antes en español pero tengo una gran noticia para los que no sepan hablar ese idioma, finalmente despues de un tiempo logre trasladar todo el idioma ingles al juego asi que aqui va una pequeña lista de cambios.


Well, as you know, the game was only available before in Spanish but I have great news for those who do not know how to speak that language, finally after a while I managed to transfer the entire English language to the game so here is a small list of changes.

Changes / Cambios


-Arregle un error con los logros

-Arregle un error en la batalla

-Se ah trasladado todo el juego a ingles (aun existe la opcion en español al inicio del juego)

-Se agrego una sala para elegir el idioma cada vez que entres al juego

-Se le agregaron los nombres de los personajes en la parte de abajo


-Fixed a bug with achievements

-Fixed a bug in battle

-The entire game has been moved to English (there is still the option in Spanish at the beginning of the game)

-A room was added to choose the language every time you enter the game

-Character names were added at the bottom

End / Fin


Si eso seria todo por ahora pero aun sigo trabajando en el proyecto tambien me hace falta alguien que me ayude a crear musica o remixes de las musicas que ya estan pero eso para despues, el juego ya esta actualizado para quienes quieran jugarlo es todo de mi parte nos veremos adios.


Yes that would be all for now but I'm still working on the project I also need someone to help me create music or remixes of the music that is already there but that's for later, the game is already updated for those who want to play it, it's all of me part we will see each other goodbye.




Next up


And the last 3 people 10th @Devil_Duck , 11th @CopperMan 12th @darnell123 , thankyou everyone for participate in this mini event, i hope You like and in the future i make more things

A new vercion with more thinks.

Una nueva vercion con mas cosas.

Undertale, but nothing's wrong.

Ok 3 people more xD 7th @raixeer_pt64 , 8th @notkitsuneZ , 9th @BenjiroBoi , here is yours draws, (sorry for the wait)

The NPCs in Weefager are full of charm and are very important for uncovering the game’s deep lore! If you love Weefager, be part of it by joining the Kickstarter pre-campaign!

The draws for the 3 first people 1st @TuxedoPig 2nd @Lolathebunny34 and the 3rd @Shaidy enjoy

PD: the others person's ocs it's coming don't worry all people have our draw eventuali

And after all this tome, finally A NEW UPDATE

In the final version of Dark Astral Nebula, you control the nebuloid with the ability to teleport and summon elemental spirits , all set in minimalist environments where you must save the god!

It's so cute xD