So guys, we honestly don't have much for demo 1 honestly, it's still unfinished and unpolished, but we have some little tweaks to do, sounds, some music and some after night minigames to do. The demo will only contain the first night and after night tasks and minigames, so the demo's going to probably be up to about 15 minutes long. I couldn't get much done to my poor overall health, but I'm feeling much better now, so be patient for a lil bit more and you'll finally get this demo of this anticipated remake!
Next up
Character full reveal: Lily!
Got the new thumbnail done (partially)! It's going to be animated, but for now have this still image.
Character full reveal: Sleo!
Happy #WIPWednesday!
Are you working on a game?
Making some art?
Practicing a song?
Something else?
Tell us in the comments!
"Don't let the shadows swallow you whole."