Five Nights at Jaygi's
4 months ago

What's next after FNAJ?

I asked myself this question weeks before Classic's release, and it made me more curious about what I would do next if I finished FNAJ.

I created this Game Jolt account almost five years ago (eight years ago if you count my old Game Jolt account, but that's long gone), and the first thing I wanted to do on this site was make FNAJ.

I learned Clickteam because I WANTED to make this game and it took 4 years to figure that out after making The Green Platformer and JaygiWare, but I still have the thing that started everything left collecting dust.

I only started game development because I wanted to make FNAJ, I made my own character because I wanted to make FNAJ, and I made a Game Jolt account because I wanted to make FNAJ. I remember having ideas of making a FNAJ 2 all the way to a 4th game around 2015 but I sadly don't have those drawings anymore.

And then once I'm done with it, what's next?

I now have a cast of 50+ characters and can use them to tell stories which is cool. But then I don't know what to do with game development.

Currently, I have no ideas for games featuring my characters. It would just feel like I learned all of this stuff for one thing, and never used it again in my life.

"Then why not devote your clickteam skills to making more FNAF Games?"

The problem with that is I'm too late in my life to think that. I really don't have the passion to do that and would feel like I'm doing this because this is what people want, and not what I want. I already said multiple times that I don't plan on making more FNaF fangames after FNAJ and the reason for this being is that I want to move on.

It's been 10 years since FNaF was made and it has been 9 years since I made the idea of FNAJ, I haven't given up on FNAJ because it's still the thing I want to do one day. And while I did semi-achieve that by making Classic, I still want to make the actual FNAJ good and hopefully live up to what I originally envisioned it. If that make sense?

Maybe I will one day figure out what's next in game dev after FNAJ but for now I don't know.

Even without Game Dev, I'm still able to make YouTube videos after these 9 years lol, and maybe tell stories there.

I really don't know, it's 11:39 PM and I'm here rambling about what I will do next after FNAJ, I should sleep.

See you in the flipside, for now.



Next up

beach episode

Art contest stuff

Here's the new banner after months I will update the description later

Don’t worry

I’m just busy with personal stuff

In the meantime have a screenshot of the game in a work in progress state

Go play Five Nights at Frickbear's 3

This game is considered the 10th anniversary of the Jaygi Archive YouTube channel and also the character's creation

So basically i'm going all in with this one

I’m gonna teach that FNaF in real time how to make a better minimap

was getting some progress done

First look at the title screen might get changed idk ;)

I've noticed I've been lazy trying to code this game and doing other stuff that isn't the gameplay I'm gonna work on the thumbanail and banner for the game page and hopefully get my ass back working on Jaygi's ai