Pain mode and later acts
Well, I wanted to talk about the approach to pain mode and the acts that are to come for Careful. First things first, pain mode will start being made from today ( Some planning and sprites have already been made ) and it will be released in a undefined time, but probably way less than act 0 itself. Pain mode in this and forward acts will not only add difficulty to the game, but also add new content to it, besides some other things I will talk later in the post. The procedure would be this;
Act releases
Pain mode is added some time afterwards
New act releases without pain mode ( But both builds stay in the page in case there is a pain mode fanatic )
And then pain mode releases for that new act some time afterwards again, and like that until the game finishes.
Casually needing another musician
For the time being, we have only @EuphoPrecntes which don't take me wrong, he has an unique style and I love his works for the game and for other projects ( You should probably check him out ), but for the aim we have for the OST of Careful ( Which would be at least almost fully original soundtrack ) we will need another musician. Other roles can still be accepted of course, specially spriters and digital artists, maybe the less needed role for now is a coder, since I learned how to use RPG Maker myself and while I'm not the best and I usually commit some dumb mistakes, it functions well enough for me and my team for now.
Feedback will be appreciated
Since act 0 recently released, it would be awesome for you guys to present feedback to us ( Can be via comments, direct messages, etc. ), that simply being reporting any bug you may encounter, or complaining about certain thing you saw could improve some way ( With some elaboration if possible ). And, as the thing that I was going to mention before with pain mode, not only we are going to implement pain mode, but also do a big revamp of certain stuff that you guys have persistent complains of, maybe a map is too bland?, A skill or an enemy too unbalanced?, We will fix, tweak and revamp all of that as long as you present your feedback with some valid reasoning or elaboration in it, that's why it's important for us to you to present your opinion on the matter.
With all that said, I hope so far that your experience with the game was good ( If you have played it, that is ) and see you in next post. BYE