TERROR Chapter 1: Time to Sleep

1 year ago

"What's wrong?"
Finally, after a long time, a new teaser, a new song and a new devlog! Read the article to see more

So, the game's been going pretty well. Animatronics are being coded in for night sections and the day sections are being worked on too. The script of the whole game's almost done, animations and renders are halfway through completion and the OST is almost done too. Progress has been going slowly but at least we are still going forward. I hope you'll be ready for the next news because there's still a lot to uncover

And along with Eva's teaser, we got something more. A new OST directly related to her. Go listen to "Writing" by FabrisX! It may not be your usual FNAF fangame song, but I'm sure you will enjoy it.

And with this, Pikanik out



Next up

Exposing @Random_Game_Dev once and for all!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!1 HE LIKES CHILDREN!1!!1!2!2!!2 (READ ARTICLE FOR MORE INFO)

Caption this (@Crimsonware)

New Puppet render + updates on the description


The countdown starts now...

As you may already know, Time to Sleep is part of @ShowcaseAtFreddys . Remember to keep yourself updated on the event to see more of what this game has to offer. And with this, see you next time!

Rat Race Production Update

Let's talk about the Showcase at Freddy's exclusive (Read article) (logos added by @TheGuyWhoMakeGame)

Me and @CRIMSONC in a nutshell

''Could someone be at my window?''

Shout-out to @Crimsonware for this epic fanart! Thank you bro!