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With DBBZ Coming out on Jully 3rd th its time to Announce a full widescreen 16:9 or 1600 X 900 RES, The Widescreen Feature will not be able to be optimized, Online Mode will also have the 16:9 Option
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Runners Outline Test
Devlog 2 Bois
Added alot of new Stuffs
1. The Drop Dash is fully Completed!
2. Swapped out the Music
3. Added Some New Effects when Destroying Badniks and Monitors
Also sorry for the Lag, Been workin all night
10% of online mode is finished i also added Recovery Items to the game!
New Version 0.2 Demo Coming out Soon!
Dragon Ball Battle Z Version 1.1 will be Released on February 24th with a brand new look of the entire Game
Added Accounts to the Game!
Its still Progressing just gotta wait
Receive Divine Judgement! #DBBZ #DBBZNewCharacter #SU
Sonic Runners Scratch Edition Devlog 2
In the Images you see above ya
You can see a Finished Sprite Sheet with Runner's Black Outlines
I'm also using the Modgen Classic Sonic Sprites for this Game
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