Many changes have been made to The Sorrowvirus since its last version on GameJolt - including an in-game Achievement System - the last version on here was 1.0.4, the current version is 1.1.4, we've had one major update and three small updates (including hotfixes) since.
These updates are vast, including some redesigned areas, improved performance/stability, new voice lines, new achievements and much, much more. You can view all our changelists on our Steam Community Hub under the "Events & Announcements" sub-forum.
We've answered some GameJolt related questions below as well, please feel free to ask any more questions in the comments and any important/relevant ones will be answered, and may be added to this post.
"Why is the game not free anymore?"
When we launched The Sorrowvirus in 2019, it was our intention for it to be free for the duration of our crowdfunding campaign, we ultimately ended up letting it be free for a year. After that, many changes and improvements were made to the game and we feel that we're charging a more-than-fair price for it in the hopes that we can support our future project(s) in the Faceless universe.
"I paid for the original version of The Sorrowvirus, do I get this version for free?"
If, when The Sorrowvirus was free, you donated or named your price for the game, it is our intention to ensure you get this version for free, we need to work with GameJolt on this to achieve it, however, it is absolutely our intention to do so.