YouTuber/Twitch Streamer Request: We love that you want to play our Short Story on YouTube/Twitch! We only kindly ask that you mention our Patreon and link to it in the description.

Faceless: The Sorrowvirus is a standalone single-player short-story that follows the journey of Wyatt Heyll (8-BitRyan) in Purgatory. Gameplay time is roughly 30-45 minutes during the first instance, with a total of four instances.
Wyatt has visited Purgatory more than any other recorded subject, join him on his penultimate venture to Purgatory with the intention of setting his soul free from the endless suffering that he has faced since he was a young child. With four endings in sight, only one is the true ending, will you endeavour to help Wyatt set himself free?

Faceless: The Sorrowvirus contains an original OST by David Denyer, with accompanying sound design by John Pata.
Each instance of gameplay will result in different dialogues and environmental clues to help you find the true ending, as well as discover more of the story behind Faceless.
Elements have been extracted from the upcoming main multiplayer game, giving you an idea as to the scenery of the partially derelict Wakeland City that will be seen in Faceless.

Adam Sklar - Project Lead, Level Designer, Writer.
Vinícius Rodrigues dos Santos - Programmer.
David Denyer - Music Composer.
Ángel Cruz Rodríguez - 3D Modeller.
Natacha Rollin Abstado - Animator.
John Pata - Sound Designer.
Cast (in order of appearance):
Wyatt Heyll: 8-BitRyan
Renee Heyll: Julie Berry
Caleb Heyll: Jon Strickland
Cassandra Noble: Heather Masters
Alice McLeod: Bella Driessen
Elijah Grey: Sam A. Mowry
Rosco Heller: Adrian Vaughan
Daniel North: Adam Sklar

Thank you to those who have been patient so far with us, we know that a few of you have been extremely impatient for Faceless. Game development is hard, especially for those of us who have had no prior experience! We wanted to create this short story so that you could experience something that was real, an introduction into what will be the vast world of Faceless. This hasn't delayed development of the main game because this story was going to be part of one of the Wakeland Stories (Short single-player stories) in the full game.
#puzzle #horror #adventure #mystery #supernatural #tragedy #singleplayer #multiplayer #indie #8bitryan
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Drug Reference