3 years ago

When you accidentally post something NSFW in the Religion Humans community



Next up

Just updated my black list

In case you don't know some stuff in that block list, i just made these arrows to inform you on what they're associated with

Introducing: The NeoTeams!

This is the first time a NeoTeam will be in the NeoDrivers series

You've heard of PaleoTeams, right? Now get ready for the NeoTeams

Just got informed yesterday that this trend has a dark meaning. Is this true?

A person in heaven praying to Jesus

Here comes the second episode of PaleoDrivers, which is about the 1988 San Marino GP (Decided to name it Imola for some reason)

Bro if you're christian, why'd you block me??

I'm christian too!

Me talking to myself part ??

Read the article because it's really really important

Happy international women day everyone!! :D

Btw if you don't know who they are, they were racing drivers.

And the left one is biological, and the right one is trans

Saudaรงรตes ao meu chinelo sรฃo-paulino!!

Read all of this tho. It's something really important