How's the gameplay gonna be?
White Mask will have the overworld of a normal rpg, and the design of the characters will be based in the gba pokemon games. and the battle system is gonna be a turn based battle with spells, attacks, items, etc.
Is the game going to be released soon?
No, White Mask is going to be released chapter by chapter, but do not worry, i will make sure that the first chapter of the game is going to be released this year hopefully.
Can i work in the game?
Sure you can!, you can contact me via discord (JustaRandomDev#0018) if you are interested in working in the game.
By now, i got plenty of the story of the first chapter done, and i got some overworld gameplay made too! (the player's jacket is actually purple, it looks gray because of the gif editor)

I am currently working on making a save & load system for the game, so you don't have to start it all over if you have to stop playing in the middle of the game.
White Mask will also have inspiration in games like Deltarune, Undertale, and others.
Oh.. and also..
I introduce you to Jack! The main protagonist of White Mask, i know this isn't the best drawing i could make, but i assure you that in the game it will be better.

Aaaaand that's pretty much all of the first devlog. I'm sorry i do not have too many things for this, but i tell you that it will have more things in the next devlog. by now, this is all that i can show. Goodbye and have a nice day!