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A #KnightlingQuest, featuring Loka Zonzini and Nocturnis. The main title theme for the game is called "Artisans and their antics", and it is the song's illustration.
Here is more, here is a Road Map.
I found a Marcisan Brown Bear.
At least the bear is not that harmful, compared to bears in other games.
#GJAsks Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 (I could anyday thanks to this game.
Comment about Why do you like Video Games in General.
Really good that the community for the upcoming game has more members than does the games community that i made.
This is good because at least the game finds an audience, am i right?
The Illustration for the song "Take a Safe Ride", featuring both Loka Zonzini and Extro Verter.
At least this was not even a nightmare.
Do you remember Zalgo?
I first thought that you would comment that same joke again and again, but, the sprite above is more so similar to a part of a statue or something.