Party 2!
7 years ago


Guess what guys, I won an award!


Sorry my party pals, I haven’t updated in quite a bit. But no worries! The party week of tomfoolery is still on! But instead, now it’s the Party 2… month of tomfoolery?

Basically, I’m going to be spreading these events across the spookiest month of them all!

Also… I’m adding one more option to the events! So get excited :o !

The issue is… I don’t know what to add. So I made a handy dandy strawpoll for you guys to vote on! The winning choice gets added to the events! And who knows, maybe even second place will get added too!

Also… I forgot about the Party 2! anniversary. Whoops. But, whoo hoo! Party 2! is now one year old!

Jeeze, I should really get more work done on Party 3! :P. I’ve kinda left you guys party-less!

But as of right now, here’s the current schedule (Including completed events)

  1. The game page update.

  2. ???? MyStErY EvEnT ????

  3. The new Party 2! trailer.

  4. The Q&A session.

  5. The Party 2! update.

I can’t wait to see what all my loyal party pals choose! I look forward to seeing them!

Keep on partying!



Next up

The Bubby Update : Full changelog

The last one

The Party Collection: Image Teaser Compilation 2

The Final Countdown

Eye for an eye Nothing spectacular, just a quick announcement letting you guys know that Party 3 was not abandoned, I am doing some work on it!

Almost there


You can do it.

Woah What happened here? Just a huge jump in page views that I have no Idea how it happened. Anyone care to share? EDIT: Found out why! [… ]