I know this is all of sudden, but I was planning from the practically beginning.
It's now to say or never.
Ok, so why in the first place... a bee?
Yes, the bee has something to do with the story plot, but I don't want to spoil too much.
And mainly for a Power-Up, which thanks to this Character allows to morph
Soldier Grandeur Silent into Beo Metal Silent in "Imagine It!"
(She becomes kinda like Ironman)
Also my AU, My rules.
Ok, now to some of the thing.
Why this Character is a match and referred to be in Sonic Universe.
Invincible Power-Up:
The Giant Robot Crab (Sonic Forces) (Idk, but it just remind me of this)
The Mini Game: Speed of Light (Avoiding the obstacles at incredible speed) (5:58)
A reference to badniks, robots just as in my art.
Also, the music fits well and hits hard.
Fun Fact: Speaking of the title, Apidya is based on the word 'Apidae' which
is the family that the honey bee belongs to, just in case you were curious.
Also another interesting fact, but that is just a warning if someone wanted to check out the entire gameplay.
The game has some scary moments, mostly with bosses, that are truly spine-chilling.
I don't know if they could be equally scary as Sonic.EXE or something like that.
Even the fact that it's not a typical horror game, I guess...
Also the game brings quite a challenge to play.
So the conclusion...
Will be more things referred to Apidya in Fierce Forces future?
Oh yes, mainly planned:
FNaS 5: Widerise Mingleverse "Route of Recollect" Addon Fancomic.
A fight VS Leo Metal Sonic - Short comic or even just a fanart.
Some references will appear in "Stellar Showoff!" - Fangame.
I can only say this for now. Now I gotta go.
P.S. Showing in other communities as a curiosity and a reference appearing in my project.