To be honest with you, I've been developing a secret project in Unity, and that might be done soon or not. I'm hoping this summer or next year. It's in 3D, so yeah. It's my first proper 3D game. So I'm taking time with it all, naturally.
I'm also developing another game with a few people. We don't want to go public because of the amount of work, and motivation that we have (I have next to 0), but if we do go public about it, then you guys can follow it.
As for the future of the next installment, I'm not sure when it'll come out unfortunately. Probably next year. I'm still developing the second half of the second level. I've been watching videos of the level I want to create, and I will be developing the second level further, until I'm happy with it.
I really hope everyone enjoy the third and final installment of the main story. I'm putting a lot in it.
It isn't my dream game, but it will be close I think.
To be honest, I haven't looked at .MFAs in a while. The first time I saw the .MFA for Alien Takeover 3, I was impressed not going to lie. I put so much code in the second level.
The final level will be difficult and quite interesting to code. I can't wait to code that level.
However, that'll be in the future. It will be a long time though. Next year or two years.
Anyway I still haven't figured out how to use Lacewing. I'm learning I guess, but not that much (?).
Thanks for reading,