So, I don’t know if you guys have forgotten about this game or not, but I can say this, it’s not dead. It is just delayed for a couple reasons that I will start listing out right now.
So starting off, I mostly make mods rather than original games. Original games are a rare thing to come from me. I have gotten more used to modding rather than developing games.
Also, I have ran into a problem with looking for materials for Part 2. So, what I was gonna originally do was use the Isabelle sprite you saw there as a playable character, but I decided to be a big idiot and not realize that it was just a front sprite. I was gonna credit who made the sprite, but obviously
1: It’s only the front
2: I didn’t want to put credits until the Final Part was finished
So, if anyone is a sprite artist and would like to help out with the development, please contact me on my discord (Bones#5359).
I can also accept regular artists. Any will do.
One final reason as to why this is taking so long is because I am a busy man. I have like a bucket full of projects (Mods, A Creepypasta game adaptation coming soon, a Secret DDLC Mod “shhh”, etc.)
So yeah, that’s about all I have to say about this devlog. I guess I will see you guys once this delay has been taken care of.