Hell Hire (Legacy)
7 years ago

Winter Update!

Happy Holidays Everyone!


Fors has decided to be nice with us and brought us some gifts this Winter, let’s check it out:

New Weapon - Model I Battle Rifle

This Battle Rifle is very peculiar, it provides High Damage with Low Recoil, but at the cost of a low capacity magazine, and the inability to reload while all it’s shots haven’t been fired, so pay attention to your ammo.


A blast from the Past, the Model I BR can dispatch multiple foes quickly due to it’s high caliber bullet that can go through multiple targets.

Don’t worry too much although, when the ammo is depleted, you’ll hear a satisfying “PING”, that’s when you reload.

  • Statistics | Value

  • Damage | 45

  • Range | 16

  • Rate of Fire | 350

  • Accuracy | 85

  • Recoil | 109

  • Fire Mode | Semi-Automatic

  • Ammo | 8/24

  • Tactical Reload | Locked

  • Full Reload | 1.35 Seconds

  • Price | 1300 Souls

  • Year of Production | 1932

New Prototype Level - 1980

Finally another level! kinda…


Props, Sprites, Tiles, Textures will be added later on, once we feel confident that the map is good to play on.

We are still testing the layout, so all you have for now is bland walls. Our objective is to provide a map that doesn’t have any overpowered positions (I’m looking at you Prison Backdoor area), whilst still maintaining the possibility to multiple play styles, long range, close range, hold your position… We want you to play the map like you want! Please provide us feedback were necessary.

If you want to test the map without having to grind through multiple levels, you can use a few console commands after selecting a save slot:

			set_wave 2
set_year 1980
difficulty 1
give_souls 15000

These commands will put you at 1980, with enough souls to get any weapon, and increase the difficulty to the maximum. GLHF!

And now that 1980 is finally in game, we have put the AUG, FAL and Deagle in their correct time periods.

Bullet Travel and Critical Hits

Now you can hit specific enemy areas for increased damage! This will not be easy, since now projectiles doesn’t behave like Lasers anymore. Why am I mentioning this?

New Feature - Focus

Dealing Damage will increase your Focus bar, once it’s completely filled, you’ll be able to Focus for 5 Seconds and Slow down time by 70%.


Watching your bullets fly towards your foes in slow motion is awesome.

It can be great for dispatching multiple enemies, or getting out of a pickle.

New songs by TheIanLux

You can listen and download it in the main page. Check it out!

  • Fors - Plays on Game Over

  • Cibaria - Plays on Shop

  • The Chamber - Plays on 1980

Getting into the spirit!

Limited for this update, it’s going to snow, and the player will use a Red Cap.
Oh, and we’ve added an Easter Egg too, can you find it?


And of course, a lot of Bug Fixes and Under the Hood improvements, check out the Patch notes below.

So head to the Main page, and download the latest version now FOR FREE!


Patch Notes


  • Added Model I Battle Rifle

    • This Battle Rifle have High Damage, Low Recoil and Moderate Rate of Fire, turning into a very versatile weapon

    • On the other hand, it’s magazine is small, and can only be reloaded once it’s clip is ejected, so be aware of your ammo

  • Added a Prototype Level for 1980

    • Prototype Level: An Unfinished Level released early for testing, changes will be made during updates based on Feedback

    • All it’s graphics are placeholders.

  • Now that 1980 was added, FAL, AUG and Deagle have correct Production Years, ergo, they are only available on 1980.

    • The Model I BR was added in order to compensate for the lack of Battle Rifles on 1950 now

  • Added a new feature, Focus

    • All damage dealt, will be applied to your Focus Bar, up to 700 damage.

    • When your Focus reaches 1000 damage, you’ll be able to manually activate Focus.

    • When activating Focus, the world will slowdown by 70%, for 7 seconds.

    • Once your Focus is depleted, you’ll be able to build up Focus again by repeating the process.

  • Added a new feature, Critical Hits

    • By hitting a bullet in a specific weak spot, your weapon will deal more damage

    • The amount of damage depends on the weapon

  • Bullets/Projectiles now have travel time, instead of acting like lasers

    • Each Weapon have it’s own muzzle velocity now too.

  • Added 2 Shader Effects

    • Sepia: Used on Focus

    • Chromatic Aberration: When the screen shakes (Optional)

  • Enemy Grenades now have their own distinctive Sprites

  • Improved the effect of the enemy smoke grenade, and changed it’s colour to yellow

  • Added an Easter Egg (FFG)

  • Added the 3 new songs by TheIanLux

    • Fors (Game Over)

    • Cibaria (Shop)

    • The Chamber (1980)

  • Remade and Improved the Walking animation

  • Added Footstep Sound as well

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Added a Build Watermark in order to prevent confusion with Old versions footage

  • Added the Update Name on Title Screen

  • Added a HUD Safezone Option for both X and Y Axis

  • Added Delete Save Slots functionality, it can be done through the options menu

  • Added a Reload Tip when you have less than 35% of the magazine capacity in your weapon

  • Decreased the Head size of all characters

  • Input on menus is now disabled when using the Console

  • Sightly Changed the Save writing and reading in order to prevent bugs

    • Your current progress will be lost, sorry

IA Changes

  • Increased Enemy Maximum Reaction time from 0.35 seconds to 0.5 seconds, in order to compensate for the Higher amount of enemies that can appear at once

  • Enemies will now Strafe 60% slower, in order to make it easier to hit criticals.

  • Increased Minimum Moving Speed by ~50%

  • Increased Overhaul Moving Speed by ~33%

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Hell wouldn’t load when Loading a Save.

  • Fixed a bug where the Default Window Size was too high, resulting in performance issues on low end PCs

    • The Default Resolution will be your display resolution

  • Fixed a bug where the Lighting Engine were always recalculating the lights 250 times per cycle

    • This should provide a smoother experience when using a FPS cap lower than 250

  • Fixed a bug where the Muzzle Flash Smoke particles wheren’t spreading in the right direction

  • Fixed a bug where the Pause menu wouldn’t draw the background properly

  • Fixed a bug where the Camera would warp to the x=0;y=0; coordinates of the level when the player died

  • Fixed a bug where the User Interface Scale wouldn’t refresh if the option was changed in the Pause Menu

  • Fixed a bug where the Slowmotion on the tutorial wouldn’t be ignored if the necessary action was performed before the slowmotion is triggered

    • Additionally, the player can only perform a certain action, when it’s requested.

  • Fixed a bug where the Slowmotion wouldn’t be removed when exiting the tutorial, resulting in a permanent slowmotion during normal play.

  • Fixed a bug where you could Switch Weapons while performing certain equipment actions, such as Healing and Restocking ammo

  • Fixed a bug where holding the reload key during reload, would reload the weapon after firing the first shot

  • Fixed a bug where enemies would try to shoot you when out of range of their weapon

  • Fixed a bug where the some Fonts would have missing characters, such as “ç, õ, á, etc…”



Next up

Original Soundtrack


The first update! (PT-BR: A primeira atualização)

Update Delayed

Discord Server

Winter Update Hotfix

Main Menu In English and Portuguese! Wow! Much menus! Such translations.

Concept Art

CODE: Spawn a Shell on Reload. GAMEMAKER: Got it!

Sneaky peek. I’ve added a simple lighting engine, what do you think?