Recently I've had a bit of epiphany, and I decided to completely restart all of development for a few reasons:
Everything was super disorganized
All the ideas were outdated and not unique enough (Most of the OG characters were made when I was 13-14 and I was a baby at writing then)
Development was going nowhere because I jumped in without thinking twice.
I've grown a lot since I started this project and I should've approached this with way more tact that I actually did. I'm using this to apologize for deserting everyone suddenly because I've learned so much and realized I was pretty much doing every single thing wrong.
This project won't get cancelled. It will only get cancelled if I am a corpse in a grave. (Does that sound melodramatic enough?) And I promise to each one of you that I will not to try but do my best to make this project be the love letter to one of the many communities that have shaped me to be the person I am today.
The community will be updated soon enough with new art and information.
Thank you for reading.

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