Wolfy's Hotel: Cruciati Insaniam
1 month ago

Wolfy's Hotel Cruciati Insaniam 1.6.1 now available and able to launch!

FIXED THE GAME CRASH ISSUE! I have tested, it works for me on my second PC, let me know IMMEDIATELY if there is an issue with your launch/install.

I apologize not getting to this sooner (6 months ago), here you have it!



Next up

Released version 1.6!

Update 1.5 is out!

(Read Article)

I love FNaF, it has given us so much, and I am grateful of everything Scott Cawthon gave us back then.

It remains inspirational to this day.

Hybrid McWolf remodel!

Greetings, if you've seen a Red ballora in TPRR, or a Kellin quinn, that's us. That's right. We have made some content.

If you're here from roblox, searching my username, CONGRATS! You have found us.

Insanity + My discord server

Hope you like my heroic new header. I have not had a bright background in... forever.

The end of 2024.

Redzina(CHADZINA GIGARED) and Andrew Garfield(CHADREW GIGAFIELD) featuring H Ö G

I am sleepy. But dis is veri funni.

Made for @sunsetblood da real chad chadrew gigafield

The release of version 1.5.6

With the help of @sunsetblood aka my twin brother, I have added a magnificent addition for this game. Enjoy. Judge me later. (Don't. Approve instead, then laugh)