The six attributes are decided through interaction with the populace of Subworld and your combat situations. For example you have a choice to Write or Fight in combat. Both can be as deadly as the other, but writing has more of a creative edge to it and gives you more choice in interaction, where as fighting is pure and simple destructive act. That said, you don;’t kill characters in this game, you erase them quite literally from existence, perhaps one of the darkest acts they player can do in the game. This action can have a profo und impact on the path your character takes and the stories eventual out come. Conversly, you can save a character as if saving him in file and revive him… or maybe rewrite him. Again, Saving does not inescapably haver to be mercy as rewriting a character can be an act of enslavement. Again, every action in Subworld has an impact on you as the player charcter and the Subworld itself. Choose your actions wisely.
Next up
Update 28/01/2017
Happy birthday Undertale
Sprite Building
First screen shot of test footage for the game Took me a while to get the feel I was looking for in the backgrounds. A lot of trial and error, but here we are. All original work. I hope you like what you see.
Humans relationship to Subworld
The Real Ending
We now have a forum We want our game to grow and would love your input along side getting to know you. Please sign up and join in the development of Subworld.
Combat and the three virtues and vices
And so the hard work begins
Announcement May 5th 2017