Sonic.exe: The fighter Tails
1 year ago




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Создаём титульный экран для игры ) (RU)

Creating a title screen for the game ) (ENG)

Playable Forgotten Remnant - Forgotten Remnant - ON MOBILE?!

[In the article]

Типичный режим дебага ) (RU)

Typical debug mod ) (ENG)

Хех, смотрите что я нашёл в API HaxeFlixel, как думайте, это к будущим достижениям в игре для GJ?) (RU)

Heh, look what I found in the API HaxeFlixel, how do you think, this is to future achievements in game for GJ?) (ENG)

В игру теперь добавлен стартовый экран [RU]

A start screen has now been added to the game [ENG]

Mario Madness V2 - All Stars - ON MOBILE?!

Of course, I understand everything, but the fact that I will go through full-fledged mods completely on a smartphone, I did not expect this from myself

I'm trying to recreate the mechanics of all rhythm games :D

#GJAsks Sonic the Hedgehoge 2 my fav retro game :3