Super Mario Bros Lethal Impact

7 months ago

Yo, Lethal have 150 followers, if we manage to reach 200 followers will change the banner and submit builds of Lethal and Unbrotherhood (obviously aren't gonna be finished yet, gonna be like previews)



Next up

New "chapter 0" with part of the game lore, 2 levels, new animations and a lot of resprites, that and the conclusion of "Mind" and cave level(and a surprise) will be the version 0.2.

Doin a sprite cuz bored (not finished yet)

Fixed n Free view testing, now you can store Etanks and more things 4 the fangame coming (not so) soon.

Improved the view cause was a bit buggy before.

MIND part 2(now is personal lmao).

I wanna show what i have of MIND level(Checkpoint, koopas have a smoother animation now and a placeholder for another cutscene at the end.

If ya liked follow the game :P

Now you can play as Luigi(Music and idle r placeholders)

Luigi will be playable on the first 2 levels(will be easy, ik some levels of the 0.1 were frustrating lmao)

I didnt show it, but ya can customize controls (A lot of people hate jump with Z).

Im testing a new style cuz why not (actually used this "Megaman Style" on the toadette level, so, ups lmao)

Smol background 4 castle section of MIND level

Why i choose to only use 2 colors + background and a max of 300x240, idk, i'm hungry so i will continue this later, hope you like this preview of one cutscene of Lethal impact :P.

Pvz Eternal Remake seeds sprites + some backgrounds made by Drafex14
